Plioviverrops Plioviverrops


Plioviverrops (†Plioviverrops (Kretzoi, 1938))


Order: Carnivora

Family: Hyaenidae

Time period: Late Miocene in Southern Europe

Size: 80 cm in length, 35 cm in height, 8-20 kg of weight

Typical representative: Plioviverrops orbignyi

Plioviverrops is an extinct genus of terrestrial carnivore of the family Hyaenidae, endemic to Southern Europe during the Late Miocene subepoch existing for approximately 6.3 million years. It was named by Kretzoi in 1938, and assigned to Hyaenidae by Flynn in 1998.

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Plioviverrops (†Plioviverrops (Kretzoi, 1938))


Order: Carnivora

Family: Hyaenidae

Time period: Late Miocene in Southern Europe

Size: 80 cm in length, 35 cm in height, 8-20 kg of weight

Typical representative: Plioviverrops orbignyi

Plioviverrops is an extinct genus of terrestrial carnivore of the family Hyaenidae, endemic to Southern Europe during the Late Miocene subepoch existing for approximately 6.3 million years. It was named by Kretzoi in 1938, and assigned to Hyaenidae by Flynn in 1998.