About Us

Roman Uchytel
Owner of Uchytel.com, Paleoartist
When I was growing up, we lived near a zoo, and I spent nearly all of my time there. I dreamt of becoming a zoologist and often sketched animals. I eventually graduated from art school and university. You could say that I am an artist by training and a naturalist at heart. My knowledge of animal anatomy makes it much easier to accurately draw all sorts of beasts and birds. My childhood fascination with animals is stronger than ever. Using only their skeletons, I bring creatures to life that roamed the same routes that take you to and from work hundreds of thousands of years ago. What was once a hobby is now my life’s calling. You won’t find any dinosaurs here. In my drawings, I recreate the world that surrounded them, the long-extinct animals that you may never have seen. I’d be glad to receive your feedback and suggestions, and am always open to cooperation.
You can reach me at:

Alexandra Uchytel
Co-owner of Uchytel.com, Marketing Director
I am a marketing and PR specialist. I was constantly doodling as a child, and the subject of my first work of art was a horse. While I am passionate about extinct creatures, I prefer being in contact with people as part of my work for this website:) I am the site administrator and try to make it as appealing as possible. We are looking for new avenues of further development and cooperation. We welcome new partners, fans of prehistoric fauna, and all other visitors to our site!
You can reach me at: