Amphimachairodus coloradensis Amphimachairodus coloradensis Amphimachairodus coloradensis Amphimachairodus coloradensis
Amphimachairodus coloradensis
Amphimachairodus coloradensis
Amphimachairodus coloradensis
Amphimachairodus coloradensis

Amphimachairodus coloradensis

Amphimachairodus coloradensis (Amphimachairodus coloradensis Cook, 1922)


Order: Carnivora

Family: Felidae

Subfamily: †Machairodontinae

Tribe: †Smilodontini

Time period: endemic to North America during the late Miocene from 7,0  to 4,5 Ma.

Size: 1,8 m in length, 100-120 cm in height, 150-300 kg of weight.


Amphimachairodus coloradensis was apparently significantly larger, about 1,1 m at the shoulder, according to skeletal and life reconstructions. If accurate, this would make A. coloradensis one of the largest felids.The skull of Machairodus was noticeably narrow compared with the skulls of modern pantherine big cats, and the orbits were relatively small. The canines were long, thin and flattened from side to side but broad from front to back like the blade of a knife, as in Homotherium. The front and back edges of the canines were serrated when they first grew, but these serrations were worn down in the first few years of the animal's life.


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Amphimachairodus coloradensis (Amphimachairodus coloradensis Cook, 1922)


Order: Carnivora

Family: Felidae

Subfamily: †Machairodontinae

Tribe: †Smilodontini

Time period: endemic to North America during the late Miocene from 7,0  to 4,5 Ma.

Size: 1,8 m in length, 100-120 cm in height, 150-300 kg of weight.


Amphimachairodus coloradensis was apparently significantly larger, about 1,1 m at the shoulder, according to skeletal and life reconstructions. If accurate, this would make A. coloradensis one of the largest felids.The skull of Machairodus was noticeably narrow compared with the skulls of modern pantherine big cats, and the orbits were relatively small. The canines were long, thin and flattened from side to side but broad from front to back like the blade of a knife, as in Homotherium. The front and back edges of the canines were serrated when they first grew, but these serrations were worn down in the first few years of the animal's life.


Reviews (14):
Уже коренной американский саблезуб - реалистичный и своеобразный в экстерьере и окрасе шкуры!
Отлично! Какая красота и изящество!
Samuel Antonio
but how about Panthera tigris soloensis it's a different subspecies of tiger
Спасибо Алекс. Учту.
Рома ,отличный махайродус ! По поводу размеров подкину инфу . Индекс массивности колорадского 0.277,по сравнению с львом 0.297 -это меньше ,ростом судя по костям он был как крупная львица и вес не превышал 130-150кг .