Syrian camel Syrian camel Syrian camel
Syrian camel
Syrian camel
Syrian camel

Syrian camel

Syrian camel (†Camelus moreli)
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Camelidae
Expansion: Pleistocene (Middle East,  (100, 000 years ago)
Dimensions: 3,5 m in length, 400 cm in total height, 1600-3000 kg of weight
The Syrian camel, is an extinct species of camel from Syria. It has been discovered in the Hummal area of the western Syrian desert. Found to have existed around 100,000 years ago, the camel was up to 3 metres tall at the shoulder, and 4 metres  tall overall. The first of the fossils were discovered late in 2005, and several more were discovered about a year later. The camelid was found together with Middle Paleolithic human remains.
Syrian camel (†Camelus moreli)
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Camelidae
Expansion: Pleistocene (Middle East,  (100, 000 years ago)
Dimensions: 3,5 m in length, 400 cm in total height, 1600-3000 kg of weight
The Syrian camel, is an extinct species of camel from Syria. It has been discovered in the Hummal area of the western Syrian desert. Found to have existed around 100,000 years ago, the camel was up to 3 metres tall at the shoulder, and 4 metres  tall overall. The first of the fossils were discovered late in 2005, and several more were discovered about a year later. The camelid was found together with Middle Paleolithic human remains.
Reviews (2):
Dean Onessimo
Good job on the Syrian camel. Next do a Syrian onager.
Восхитительная работа! Тут нечего добавить....Эта плейстоценовая громадина, похоже, вдвое превосходила своих современных дромедаристых родичей.... Интересно, а климат плейстоцена Сирии был такой же как и сейчас или все же повлажнее был, с семиаридной, а не пустынной растительностью?... Все-таки, я полагаю, для того чтобы прокормить такую тушу, нужна более разнообразная растительность, а не только колючки, эфемеры и сильно прореженные скудные злаки или маревые....