Sinomegaceros yabei Sinomegaceros yabei Sinomegaceros yabei Sinomegaceros yabei
Sinomegaceros yabei
Sinomegaceros yabei
Sinomegaceros yabei
Sinomegaceros yabei

Sinomegaceros yabei

Sinomegaceros yabei (giant Japanese elk)


Order: Artiodactyla

Family: Cervidae

Temporal range: from the late Pleistocene of Japanese island

Dimensions: length - 2,5 m, height - 170 сm, antlers - 1.2 m,  weight - 600 kg


The Japanese Sinomegaceros yabei, almost as large as the Irish stag but with much smaller antlers and much longer metatarsals, may have stood close to Megaceroides. Its antlers were similar to mid-Pleistocene M. verticornis and M. solilbacus in shape and size. Sinomegaceros yabei probably lived in foresrts that obstructed flight but allowed hiding. Sinomegaceros occupied Japan during the Villafranchian age and vanished, as did other megacerines, at the end of the Pleistocene; an excellent skeleton is on display in the Osaka City Museum. 

On the base of “Deer of the World: Their Evolution, Behaviour, and Ecology”, Valerius Geist


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Sinomegaceros yabei (giant Japanese elk)


Order: Artiodactyla

Family: Cervidae

Temporal range: from the late Pleistocene of Japanese island

Dimensions: length - 2,5 m, height - 170 сm, antlers - 1.2 m,  weight - 600 kg


The Japanese Sinomegaceros yabei, almost as large as the Irish stag but with much smaller antlers and much longer metatarsals, may have stood close to Megaceroides. Its antlers were similar to mid-Pleistocene M. verticornis and M. solilbacus in shape and size. Sinomegaceros yabei probably lived in foresrts that obstructed flight but allowed hiding. Sinomegaceros occupied Japan during the Villafranchian age and vanished, as did other megacerines, at the end of the Pleistocene; an excellent skeleton is on display in the Osaka City Museum. 

On the base of “Deer of the World: Their Evolution, Behaviour, and Ecology”, Valerius Geist


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