Phosphatherium escuillei Phosphatherium escuillei Phosphatherium escuillei
Phosphatherium escuillei
Phosphatherium escuillei
Phosphatherium escuillei

Phosphatherium escuillei

Phosphatherium escuillei  (Gheerbrant, Sudre & Cappetta 1996)


Class: Mammalia

Order: Proboscidea

Family: Numidotheriidae

Size: The  Phosphatherium was about 60 cm long.  Weight estimated at up to‭ ‬15‭ ‬kg.

Known locations: North Africa

Time period: Latest Paleocene - early Eocene (56 million years ago)


Phosphatherium escuillei is an extinct, primitive proboscidean that lived from the Late Paleocene until the early Eocene some 56 million years ago of North Africa.

Phosphatherium is known primarily from fragmentary dentary materials from the latest Paleocene deposits of the Ouled Abdoun Basin, Morocco, which date from the Thanetian epoch. It is the smallest (estimated to be about 60 cm long and weigh 15 kilograms) and the second oldest known member of Proboscidea. Only Eritherium is older. Like its later relative, Moeritherium, the animal was probably an amphibious browser that fed on aquatic plants, akin to a dog-sized hippopotamus.

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Phosphatherium escuillei  (Gheerbrant, Sudre & Cappetta 1996)


Class: Mammalia

Order: Proboscidea

Family: Numidotheriidae

Size: The  Phosphatherium was about 60 cm long.  Weight estimated at up to‭ ‬15‭ ‬kg.

Known locations: North Africa

Time period: Latest Paleocene - early Eocene (56 million years ago)


Phosphatherium escuillei is an extinct, primitive proboscidean that lived from the Late Paleocene until the early Eocene some 56 million years ago of North Africa.

Phosphatherium is known primarily from fragmentary dentary materials from the latest Paleocene deposits of the Ouled Abdoun Basin, Morocco, which date from the Thanetian epoch. It is the smallest (estimated to be about 60 cm long and weigh 15 kilograms) and the second oldest known member of Proboscidea. Only Eritherium is older. Like its later relative, Moeritherium, the animal was probably an amphibious browser that fed on aquatic plants, akin to a dog-sized hippopotamus.

Reviews (8):
I love it!

They look like small rhinos.
Ну и ну! Попробуй угадай в этом мелком крепыше пращура мастодонтов, слонов и мамонтов...Никаких намеков на хобот, уши и бивни! А вот что-то от даманов,особенно на морде прослеживается... Все-таки это самый низ корней слоновьей эволюции!
Sally, Thanks!
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