Barytherium grave Barytherium grave Barytherium grave
Barytherium grave
Barytherium grave
Barytherium grave

Barytherium grave

Barytherium (Barytherium Andrews, 1901)


Order: Proboscidea

Family: Barytheriidae

Dimensions: length - 4 m, height - 1,8 m, weight - 2000 kg

Temporal range: during the late Eocene - early Oligocene epoch of North Africa

A typical representative: Barytherium grave Andrews,1901


Barytherium (meaning heavy beast) is a genus of an extinct family (Barytheriidae) of primitive proboscidean that lived during the late Eocene and early Oligocene in North Africa. The Barytheriidae were the first large size proboscideans to appear in the fossil records and were characterized by a strong sexual dimorphism. The only known species within this family is Barytherium grave, found at the beginning of the 20th century in the Fayum, Egypt. More complete specimens have been found since then, at Dor el Talha Libya and most recently at Aidum area in Oman. In some respects, these animals would have looked similar to a modern Asian Elephant, but with a more slender build. The most visible difference, however, would have been the tusks. Barytherium had eight very short tusks, four each in the upper and lower jaws, which resembled those of a modern hippopotamus more than those of an elephant. The upper pairs were vertical, while the lower pairs projected forwards from the mouth horizontally. Together, these would have created a shearing action for cropping plants

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Barytherium (Barytherium Andrews, 1901)


Order: Proboscidea

Family: Barytheriidae

Dimensions: length - 4 m, height - 1,8 m, weight - 2000 kg

Temporal range: during the late Eocene - early Oligocene epoch of North Africa

A typical representative: Barytherium grave Andrews,1901


Barytherium (meaning heavy beast) is a genus of an extinct family (Barytheriidae) of primitive proboscidean that lived during the late Eocene and early Oligocene in North Africa. The Barytheriidae were the first large size proboscideans to appear in the fossil records and were characterized by a strong sexual dimorphism. The only known species within this family is Barytherium grave, found at the beginning of the 20th century in the Fayum, Egypt. More complete specimens have been found since then, at Dor el Talha Libya and most recently at Aidum area in Oman. In some respects, these animals would have looked similar to a modern Asian Elephant, but with a more slender build. The most visible difference, however, would have been the tusks. Barytherium had eight very short tusks, four each in the upper and lower jaws, which resembled those of a modern hippopotamus more than those of an elephant. The upper pairs were vertical, while the lower pairs projected forwards from the mouth horizontally. Together, these would have created a shearing action for cropping plants

Reviews (14):
Ром, я на счет баритерия хотел бы сказать.
Этот вариант, назовем его "даманоподобным", сделан реалистично и, вероятно,он таким и был. Но самый ранний твой вариант этого "Барри" с явно сформировавшимся хоботком. Скажу честно - мне симпатичны ОБА! И тот тоже РЕАЛИСТИЧНЫЙ! Опровергать разные концепции одного столь древнего зверя не могу, я не спец-палеореконструктор, но эстетическое удовольствие получаю от обоих вариантов. Это достаточно редкий случай в пристрастиях любого человека.
Митрич, спасибо за комментарии.Я их все очень внимательно читаю и наматываю на ус). Многие реконструкции я постепенно переделываю, так что мысли и пожелания вместе с конструктивной критикой, будут учтены. Еще раз спасибо за обратную связь!
Реалистично! Просто это целая группа специфических уникальных звярушек- нумидотериев, баритериев, которыя являются переходным звеном от даманообразных типа фосфатерия к слонообразным типа палеомастодонта, файюмии, когда уже обозначаются хобот и бивнеобразные резцы!
Jutin aaron
This helps a lot
Спасибо. Я сам понимаю, что реконструкция очень приблизительная. Но почему бы и нет?