Euceratherium collinum Euceratherium collinum Euceratherium collinum Euceratherium collinum
Euceratherium collinum
Euceratherium collinum
Euceratherium collinum
Euceratherium collinum

Euceratherium collinum

Euceratherium (Euceratherium Furlong & Sinclair, 1904)


Order: Artiodactyla

Family: Bovidae

Subfamily: Caprinae

Temporal range: from the early to late Pleistocene of North America (extinct about 11,500 years ago)

Dimensions: length - 2,5 m, height - 150 сm, weight - 600 kg


The shrub-ox (Euceratherium collinum) is an extinct genus and species of Bovidae native to North America.

Euceratherium was one of the first bovids to enter North America. It appeared on this continent during the early Pleistocene, long before the first bison arrived from Eurasia. It became extinct about 11,500 years ago.

Late Pleistocene shrub-ox remains are known from fossil finds spanning from northern California to central Mexico. In the East they were distributed at least into Illinois.

Euceratherium was massively built and in size between a modern American bison and a musk ox. A specimen was estimated to have a body mass of 607.5 kg.  On the basis of preserved dung pellets, it has been established that they were browsers with a diet of trees and shrubs.  They seem to have preferred hilly landscapes.






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Euceratherium (Euceratherium Furlong & Sinclair, 1904)


Order: Artiodactyla

Family: Bovidae

Subfamily: Caprinae

Temporal range: from the early to late Pleistocene of North America (extinct about 11,500 years ago)

Dimensions: length - 2,5 m, height - 150 сm, weight - 600 kg


The shrub-ox (Euceratherium collinum) is an extinct genus and species of Bovidae native to North America.

Euceratherium was one of the first bovids to enter North America. It appeared on this continent during the early Pleistocene, long before the first bison arrived from Eurasia. It became extinct about 11,500 years ago.

Late Pleistocene shrub-ox remains are known from fossil finds spanning from northern California to central Mexico. In the East they were distributed at least into Illinois.

Euceratherium was massively built and in size between a modern American bison and a musk ox. A specimen was estimated to have a body mass of 607.5 kg.  On the basis of preserved dung pellets, it has been established that they were browsers with a diet of trees and shrubs.  They seem to have preferred hilly landscapes.






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Reviews (5):
Роман Станиславович, без первых кайнозойских "горцев" - неогеновых овибовин, уникальная тема на этом сайте пустует - "Первые горные животные Евразии" (еще до горных козлов и баранов, всяких там серн,серау, горалов и яков, которые и так хорошо многим знакомы!)... Тема колоритная, экологически неповторимая, связанная напрямую с кайнозоем !!!!!!!!!
¿Puedes dejarlo con fondo blanco?
Иликолепная реконструкция столь своеобразных овцебыков, но это все же экзотическое Забугорье... Ром, а не могли бы вы посвятить зверюшкам этой трибы - овибовинам, целую серию? А ведь неповторимые были. Например реконструировать КАК ВЫ УМЕЕТЕ (!!!) того же цайдамотерия, хедженгию, урмиатерия- первых горных копытных неогена или плейстоценовую зергелию, которая и в венгерско-украинско-казахских широтах водилась!
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