Theriodictis Theriodictis


Theriodictis (†Theriodictis (Mercerat, 1891))


Order: Carnivora

Family: Canidae

Time period: It lived during  Late Pleistocene ~1.2–0.5 Ma (South America)  

Size: 1,8 m in length, 80 cm in height, weight estimated at up to‭ 40‭ ‬kg.


Theriodictis was a large sized wolf-like canid; body weight for adult specimens of T. platensis has been estimated at around 30 to 40 kg. Prey is thought to have included guanaco, cervids, equids (e.g. Equus and Hippidion), peccaries, giant rodents and giant cingulates.

It was endemic to South America during the Pleistocene, living from 1.2 Ma- 500,000 years ago and existing for approximately 0.7 million years. 

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Theriodictis (†Theriodictis (Mercerat, 1891))


Order: Carnivora

Family: Canidae

Time period: It lived during  Late Pleistocene ~1.2–0.5 Ma (South America)  

Size: 1,8 m in length, 80 cm in height, weight estimated at up to‭ 40‭ ‬kg.


Theriodictis was a large sized wolf-like canid; body weight for adult specimens of T. platensis has been estimated at around 30 to 40 kg. Prey is thought to have included guanaco, cervids, equids (e.g. Equus and Hippidion), peccaries, giant rodents and giant cingulates.

It was endemic to South America during the Pleistocene, living from 1.2 Ma- 500,000 years ago and existing for approximately 0.7 million years.