Simbakubwa kutokaafrika Simbakubwa kutokaafrika Simbakubwa kutokaafrika Simbakubwa kutokaafrika Simbakubwa kutokaafrika
Simbakubwa kutokaafrika
Simbakubwa kutokaafrika
Simbakubwa kutokaafrika
Simbakubwa kutokaafrika
Simbakubwa kutokaafrika

Simbakubwa kutokaafrika

Simbakubwa kutokaafrika (Simbakubwa (Borths, Stevens, 2019))


Order: †Hyaenodonta

Family: †Hyainailouridae?

Time period:  It lived during the early Miocene and was found in Kenya

Size: Up to‭ 3,8 ‬meters long. 130 ‬cm tall at the shoulder.  Weight estimated at up to‭ 1000‭ ‬kg.

A typical representative: Simbakubwa kutokaafrika


Simbakubwa kutokaafrika ("great lion from Africa") is an extinct species of mammal of the family Hyainailouridae in the order Hyaenodonta. It lived during the early Miocene and was found in Kenya. The type specimen was recovered from deposits dated to be 23 million years old. Possibly reaching up to 1,000 kg, it might have surpassed the modern polar bear in size. The fossils of Simbakubwa were first discovered by Matthew Borths and Nancy Stevens when they were examining fossils stored at the Nairobi National Museum in Kenya. The type specimen consists of a mandible from the lower jaw, a right upper maxilla and some post cranial remains. The light wear patterns on the dentition indicate that the holotype specimen was a young adult at the time of its death. The study of the postcranial remains indicates Simbakubwa was possessed of a semi-digitigrade walking stance. Simbakubwa, like other hyainailourids, probably was a specialist hunter and scavenger that preyed on creatures such as rhinoceroses and early proboscideans. It may have been somewhat less specialized in crushing bone than its later relatives such as Hyainailouros. However, like Hyainailouros, Simbakubwa possessed lingually rotating carnassial blades, ensuring a constant shearing edge throughout its life.








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Simbakubwa kutokaafrika (Simbakubwa (Borths, Stevens, 2019))


Order: †Hyaenodonta

Family: †Hyainailouridae?

Time period:  It lived during the early Miocene and was found in Kenya

Size: Up to‭ 3,8 ‬meters long. 130 ‬cm tall at the shoulder.  Weight estimated at up to‭ 1000‭ ‬kg.

A typical representative: Simbakubwa kutokaafrika


Simbakubwa kutokaafrika ("great lion from Africa") is an extinct species of mammal of the family Hyainailouridae in the order Hyaenodonta. It lived during the early Miocene and was found in Kenya. The type specimen was recovered from deposits dated to be 23 million years old. Possibly reaching up to 1,000 kg, it might have surpassed the modern polar bear in size. The fossils of Simbakubwa were first discovered by Matthew Borths and Nancy Stevens when they were examining fossils stored at the Nairobi National Museum in Kenya. The type specimen consists of a mandible from the lower jaw, a right upper maxilla and some post cranial remains. The light wear patterns on the dentition indicate that the holotype specimen was a young adult at the time of its death. The study of the postcranial remains indicates Simbakubwa was possessed of a semi-digitigrade walking stance. Simbakubwa, like other hyainailourids, probably was a specialist hunter and scavenger that preyed on creatures such as rhinoceroses and early proboscideans. It may have been somewhat less specialized in crushing bone than its later relatives such as Hyainailouros. However, like Hyainailouros, Simbakubwa possessed lingually rotating carnassial blades, ensuring a constant shearing edge throughout its life.








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Reviews (14):
this is Creodonta)
Are they related to the cat?
Леброн Жамес
А что не может? На этом рисунке очень наглядно подано что даже (до- 800кг) вполне. Если внимательно смотреть и на размер брать. Вон Зубков легко лежит на (280 кг) коте и ничего. Точнее сейчас ему не до этого не любит у нас система качественных и не похожих на остальных персонажей. Им бы вроде сестёр - Запашных или олдскульных Клайдов Битти с порошком в руках для глаз полосатого и вилами по ребрам.. Не может Шикодан плейстоценовым львом быть вот этого он не может. А этот ("полуамфицион-шутка" полу - лев) вполне, если уважаемый Роман его, конечно, правильно изобразил... Говорят у Романа чуйка, какая то есть, так что вряд ли ошибся. А там где персонажи спины псовых с тигриными сравнивают и несут периодически ахинею под чем то ошибаться точно не могут. Как то так.
Hey mate, is it possible that you could review the order "Creodonta" in depth?
Чего только не было!