Cave lion Cave lion Cave lion Cave lion Cave lion Cave lion Cave lion Cave lion Cave lion Cave lion Cave lion Cave lion Cave lion Cave lion Cave lion Cave lion Cave lion
Cave lion
Cave lion
Cave lion
Cave lion
Cave lion
Cave lion
Cave lion
Cave lion
Cave lion
Cave lion
Cave lion
Cave lion
Cave lion
Cave lion
Cave lion
Cave lion
Cave lion

Cave lion

Сave lion (Panthera spelaea Goldfuss, 1810)


Order: Carnivora

Family: Felidae

Time period: late Pleistocene of Eurasia (340 000 – 12 000 years ago)

Size: 2.1 m in length, 120 cm in height, 160-350 kg of weight.


The cave lion (Panthera (Leo) Spelaea) was one of the biggest cats of all ages. Reaching 120 cm at the withers, with the length of 210 cm without the tail, it averaged 5-10% higher than today's lions, but did not reach an enormous size similar to the American lion. Today, this type of lion is regarded as a subspecies which clearly distinguishes modern lions. It distributed across northern Eurasia, and even during the glacial periods, it penetrated deeply to the north. In the north-east of Eurasia formed a separate subspecies, the so-called East Siberian cave lion (Panthera spelaea vereshchagini), which existed across the Bering land bridge then reached the American continent, where it developed into the American lion (Panthera atrox). Probably the cave lion, and like today's lions, it was a social cat, living in prides..The cave lion is known from Paleolithic cave paintings, ivory carvings, and clay figurines.

The species showed a progressive size reduction over the course of the Last Glacial Period up until its extinction, with the one of last P. spelaea populations (from Kryshtaleva Cave, Ukraine) comparable in size to modern jaguars, with a body mass of only 70–100 kilograms, a body length of 1.2–1.3 metres and shoulder height of 70–75 centimetres respectively.

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Сave lion (Panthera spelaea Goldfuss, 1810)


Order: Carnivora

Family: Felidae

Time period: late Pleistocene of Eurasia (340 000 – 12 000 years ago)

Size: 2.1 m in length, 120 cm in height, 160-350 kg of weight.


The cave lion (Panthera (Leo) Spelaea) was one of the biggest cats of all ages. Reaching 120 cm at the withers, with the length of 210 cm without the tail, it averaged 5-10% higher than today's lions, but did not reach an enormous size similar to the American lion. Today, this type of lion is regarded as a subspecies which clearly distinguishes modern lions. It distributed across northern Eurasia, and even during the glacial periods, it penetrated deeply to the north. In the north-east of Eurasia formed a separate subspecies, the so-called East Siberian cave lion (Panthera spelaea vereshchagini), which existed across the Bering land bridge then reached the American continent, where it developed into the American lion (Panthera atrox). Probably the cave lion, and like today's lions, it was a social cat, living in prides..The cave lion is known from Paleolithic cave paintings, ivory carvings, and clay figurines.

The species showed a progressive size reduction over the course of the Last Glacial Period up until its extinction, with the one of last P. spelaea populations (from Kryshtaleva Cave, Ukraine) comparable in size to modern jaguars, with a body mass of only 70–100 kilograms, a body length of 1.2–1.3 metres and shoulder height of 70–75 centimetres respectively.

Reviews (45):
La altura estándar de Panthera spelaea es de 100 cm, no 120 cm. ¿Cuál habría sido el comportamiento social y la dieta del león de las cavernas?
Ром, любой срач на сайте немыслим и неуместен. Рабочие моменты, критика, пожелания - это да, а всякие там дурацкие выпады и обозначение своей "типо компетентности"- нет! Пусть эти рукожопые критиканы ПОПРОБУЮТ ТАКОЕ ИЗВАЯТЬ, КАК ТЫ!
Это прелюдия, а по существу еще тыщу раз повторюсь - все твои пантерины - что леопарды, что тигроиды, что мосбахи, что пещерники ПРОСТО БЕЗУПРЕЧНЫ, ВЕЛИКОЛЕПНЫ и НАТУРАЛИСТИЧНЫ что по экстерьеру, что по деталям окраса, что по природному фону и тупыми копиями современных львов вовсе НЕ ЯВЛЯЮТСЯ!
хаха, бедная гиенка :)
It was much bigger then the Lions of today, Shame they are alive today.
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