Straight-tusked elephant (Palaeoloxodon antiquus) Straight-tusked elephant (Palaeoloxodon antiquus) Straight-tusked elephant (Palaeoloxodon antiquus) Straight-tusked elephant (Palaeoloxodon antiquus) Straight-tusked elephant (Palaeoloxodon antiquus)
Straight-tusked elephant (Palaeoloxodon antiquus)
Straight-tusked elephant (Palaeoloxodon antiquus)
Straight-tusked elephant (Palaeoloxodon antiquus)
Straight-tusked elephant (Palaeoloxodon antiquus)
Straight-tusked elephant (Palaeoloxodon antiquus)

Straight-tusked elephant (Palaeoloxodon antiquus)

Forest straight-tusked elephant (Palaeoloxodon Matsumoto, 1924)


Order: Proboscidea

Family: Elephantidae

Dimensions: length - 7m (with spiralled tusks), height - 4,3 m, weight - 10000 kg

Temporal range: during the Pleistocene epoch (Europe and Asia)


Palaeoloxodon antiquus – forest straight-tusked elephant, the largest species that survived in Europe until the end of Pleistocene.
It also lived in Asia and Africa in interglacial periods. Palaeoloxodon was a large animal exceeding mammoth in size: its shoulder height reached up to 4.3 m, and weight – up to 10 tons. Its tusks were relatively straight and often exceeded 3 m in length. 
It lived in forests and sparse growths of trees feeding mostly on soft, easily digestible food like tree leaves and grass. At the times of glaciers, forest elephants lived in the south following the movement of forest zone. During interglacial periods, they migrated further north. Thus, throughout Pleistocene, Palaeoloxodon migrated and the area of its habitat changed considerably. Hunting by humans probably played the most significant role in their extinction.

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Forest straight-tusked elephant (Palaeoloxodon Matsumoto, 1924)


Order: Proboscidea

Family: Elephantidae

Dimensions: length - 7m (with spiralled tusks), height - 4,3 m, weight - 10000 kg

Temporal range: during the Pleistocene epoch (Europe and Asia)


Palaeoloxodon antiquus – forest straight-tusked elephant, the largest species that survived in Europe until the end of Pleistocene.
It also lived in Asia and Africa in interglacial periods. Palaeoloxodon was a large animal exceeding mammoth in size: its shoulder height reached up to 4.3 m, and weight – up to 10 tons. Its tusks were relatively straight and often exceeded 3 m in length. 
It lived in forests and sparse growths of trees feeding mostly on soft, easily digestible food like tree leaves and grass. At the times of glaciers, forest elephants lived in the south following the movement of forest zone. During interglacial periods, they migrated further north. Thus, throughout Pleistocene, Palaeoloxodon migrated and the area of its habitat changed considerably. Hunting by humans probably played the most significant role in their extinction.

Reviews (15):
Вполне допустимо, что где-нить на лазурных побережьях Средиземноморья (только не во времена континентальныхоледенений плейстоцена!), местные самые южные популяции прямобивневых лесныхслонов были лысыми или почти безволосыми... А более северные и континентальные лысыми быть не могли.Это я о последнем варианте прямобивневого слона - фон у него явно южанский, не "средней полосы" Европы, Кавказа или Казахстана...
¿Puedes dejar con fondo blanco a Bubalus murrensis y Palaeoloxodon antiquus (hairless)?
For AD: Listen you, Anglo-Saxon pig! You'll be shitting in your "democratic world" - from Texas to Poland, and here, the freak, the Maestro Roman of his work works! Get out, dog!!!
this website sucks,i didn't get any information really for my project i would actually do more.
Ром, твой второй вариант этого слонега, где он несколько развернут направо, а слева вверху надпись "NOT FOR SALE", по-моему, слишком лысоват - первый и последний, третий, варианты реалистичнее! Может, это только мои хотелки-гляделки, но я думаю,для плейстоцена все же слишком он "южный"...