African mammoth African mammoth African mammoth
African mammoth
African mammoth
African mammoth

African mammoth

African mammoth (Mammuthus subplanifrons Osborn, 1928)


Order: Proboscidea

Family: Elephantidae

Dimensions: length - 5,5 m, height - 3,5 m, weight - 8 000 kg

Expansion: during the early Pliocene (endemic Africa)


Mammuthus subplanifrons, or the African mammoth, is the oldest representative of the genus Mammuthus, appearing around 5 million years ago during the early Pliocene in what is today South Africa and countries of East Africa, especially Ethiopia. They already presented some of the unique characteristics of mammoths like the spirally, twisting tusks.






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African mammoth (Mammuthus subplanifrons Osborn, 1928)


Order: Proboscidea

Family: Elephantidae

Dimensions: length - 5,5 m, height - 3,5 m, weight - 8 000 kg

Expansion: during the early Pliocene (endemic Africa)


Mammuthus subplanifrons, or the African mammoth, is the oldest representative of the genus Mammuthus, appearing around 5 million years ago during the early Pliocene in what is today South Africa and countries of East Africa, especially Ethiopia. They already presented some of the unique characteristics of mammoths like the spirally, twisting tusks.






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Reviews (5):
Вот здесь согласен на все 100% - это прямой генетический предок, африканский дед мамонта! Только в такой ипостаси как афромигранта МАМОНТА МОЖНО ИЗОБРАЖАТЬ ЛЫСЫМ! А его сыновья - степные мамонты-трогонтериевые слоны Евразии и тем более Северной Америки (как и лесные слоны-антиквусы и намадийские слонеги), попавшие в области с резко различимыми температурными сезонами, уже все были в той или иной степени волосатыми.
Это класс!
Why doesn't it have bigger ears?
Isaiah garza
Nice artwork! :) I love elephants!