Elasmotherium Elasmotherium Elasmotherium Elasmotherium Elasmotherium Elasmotherium Elasmotherium Elasmotherium


Elasmotherium (Elasmotherium Fischer, 1808)


Order: Perissodactyla

Family: Rhinocerotidae

Size: 5 m in length, 230 cm in height, 4500 kg of weight

Time period: the Late Pliocene - Pleistocene (Eurasia).

Typical representative: Elasmotherium sibiricum Fischer, 1809


Elasmotherium is the largest species of rhinoceroses that lived from Pliocene till Pleistocene. It reached 6 meters in lengths and 2.5 meters in heights, and weighed up to 5 tons. Its main distinction from other rhinoceroses was a large dome-like protuberance on its forehead, probably with an over 1.5-meter long thick horn. Elasmotheria were widespread on the territory from Western Europe to Eastern Siberia.
Elasmotherium ate grass and roots on river and lake banks, such as highly-nutritious starchy roots of sedge, reed mace and cane. In times of local fodder shortages, the animal could walk long distances through elevated steppe strips from one river system to another or even migrate to the south. It is indicative that the northernmost fossils of Elasmotherium are found in river valleys, and not in steppes, as those of purely herbivorous horses or woolly rhinoceroses. Their root-based diet is also evidenced by their extremely hypsodontic teeth, which ensured protection from abrasives on this type of food, such as sand, dirt, etc. 
As evident from the brain reconstruction, Elasmotherium remained on a quite primitive level of organization. Large olfactory lobes were located in front of small and poorly-developed frontal hemispheres. Other rhinoceroses advanced their brains as early as Miocene and developed quicker orientation and better mobility which are characteristic for modern species. Elasmotherium was inferior to them; woolly rhinoceros and later species of rhinoceros had better reactions, and were smarter, faster and more aggressive.

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Elasmotherium (Elasmotherium Fischer, 1808)


Order: Perissodactyla

Family: Rhinocerotidae

Size: 5 m in length, 230 cm in height, 4500 kg of weight

Time period: the Late Pliocene - Pleistocene (Eurasia).

Typical representative: Elasmotherium sibiricum Fischer, 1809


Elasmotherium is the largest species of rhinoceroses that lived from Pliocene till Pleistocene. It reached 6 meters in lengths and 2.5 meters in heights, and weighed up to 5 tons. Its main distinction from other rhinoceroses was a large dome-like protuberance on its forehead, probably with an over 1.5-meter long thick horn. Elasmotheria were widespread on the territory from Western Europe to Eastern Siberia.
Elasmotherium ate grass and roots on river and lake banks, such as highly-nutritious starchy roots of sedge, reed mace and cane. In times of local fodder shortages, the animal could walk long distances through elevated steppe strips from one river system to another or even migrate to the south. It is indicative that the northernmost fossils of Elasmotherium are found in river valleys, and not in steppes, as those of purely herbivorous horses or woolly rhinoceroses. Their root-based diet is also evidenced by their extremely hypsodontic teeth, which ensured protection from abrasives on this type of food, such as sand, dirt, etc. 
As evident from the brain reconstruction, Elasmotherium remained on a quite primitive level of organization. Large olfactory lobes were located in front of small and poorly-developed frontal hemispheres. Other rhinoceroses advanced their brains as early as Miocene and developed quicker orientation and better mobility which are characteristic for modern species. Elasmotherium was inferior to them; woolly rhinoceros and later species of rhinoceros had better reactions, and were smarter, faster and more aggressive.

Reviews (20):
Здравствуй Ром. Высота в холке 230 это от куда нашёл просто интересно
Anuar rex
elasmotherium is very huge and I’m like looking at a harry rhino with a short horn and charging at me!!!!!
Ром, ты за что ж так эласма "обновил" - мама не горюй... И не острый таран уже у него, и не колун, и не шишак, а какой-то костяной мозоль на лбу теперь! За что ему такая немилость?... А верхняя губа с каким -то кожистым отростком зачем этому могучему и грузному великану?... А в фас вообще - козляччя рожа! И ноздри зауженные по-суматрански.... Сатир какой-то веришь-нет! Разве подобный облик соответствует его предполагаемому экологическому способу питания и среды обитания...?... Какие шедевры у тебя были первые с тупорогом или шишаком, с округлой губой....Буриановскую классику с дьявольским колом или с доисторическим парком в кино тоже считаю нелепой....
Ром, Scott Taylor прав - морда эласма в новой интерпретации весьма похожа на козлячью (бегущий в фас) и вообще смахивает на какого-то "гоблина"....В традиционной версии как-то правдоподобнее было? Разве экологически у эласма была уместна треугольная губа, когда он голову держал приземисто?...Вот вариант с тупорогом в профиль - красавчик с тупой широкой губой!
Scott Taylor
A very good reconstruction of the first Image of the Elasomotherium but man, that face looks like that Elasmotherium had a face of a goat with a huge horn in there.