Brown bear and Siberian tiger Brown bear and Siberian tiger
Brown bear and Siberian tiger
Brown bear and Siberian tiger

Brown bear and Siberian tiger

Siberian tiger, Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica Temminck, 1884)


Order: Carnivora

Family: Felidae

Range and period of existence: Late Pleistocene - Holocene of North-East Asia

Dimensions: length - 1.9 m, tail length - 90 cm, height - 90 -115 cm, weight - 160–225 kg (max 306 kg)


A comparison of data on body weights of wild Siberian tigers indicates that up to the first half of the 20th century both males and females were on average heavier than post-1970 ones. Today's wild Siberian tigers are smaller than Bengal tigers. Their reduced weight as compared to historical Siberian tigers may be due to a combination of causes: when captured, they were usually sick or injured and involved in a conflict situation with people.

The largest wild male, with largely assured references, was a Manchurian which was killed in the area of Sungari River in 1943. It measured 350 cm  "over the curves", equivalent to 330 cm  "between the pegs", and weighed no less than about 300 kg. The tail length in fully grown males is about 1 m. Weights of up to 318 kg  have been reported, and exceptionally large males weighing up to 384 kg are mentioned in the literature, but none of these cases was confirmed in reliable sources. The typical weight range of Siberian tigers is indicated as 160–230 kg for males and 100–167 kg for females.



Ussuri brown bear (Ursus arctos lasiotus)


Order: Carnivora

Family: Ursidae

Dimensions: length - 2,8 m, height - 125 сm, weight - 400 to 550 kg

Temporal range: 0.5–0 Ma. Russia: southern Kuril Islands, Sakhalin, Maritime Territory, and the Ussuri/Amur River region south of the Stanovoy Range, China (former Manchuria): Heilongjiang, Japan: Hokkaidō, Honshu (in the last glacial period), Korean Peninsula: North Korea. Became extinct on Rebun and Rishiri Islands in the 13th century.



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Siberian tiger, Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica Temminck, 1884)


Order: Carnivora

Family: Felidae

Range and period of existence: Late Pleistocene - Holocene of North-East Asia

Dimensions: length - 1.9 m, tail length - 90 cm, height - 90 -115 cm, weight - 160–225 kg (max 306 kg)


A comparison of data on body weights of wild Siberian tigers indicates that up to the first half of the 20th century both males and females were on average heavier than post-1970 ones. Today's wild Siberian tigers are smaller than Bengal tigers. Their reduced weight as compared to historical Siberian tigers may be due to a combination of causes: when captured, they were usually sick or injured and involved in a conflict situation with people.

The largest wild male, with largely assured references, was a Manchurian which was killed in the area of Sungari River in 1943. It measured 350 cm  "over the curves", equivalent to 330 cm  "between the pegs", and weighed no less than about 300 kg. The tail length in fully grown males is about 1 m. Weights of up to 318 kg  have been reported, and exceptionally large males weighing up to 384 kg are mentioned in the literature, but none of these cases was confirmed in reliable sources. The typical weight range of Siberian tigers is indicated as 160–230 kg for males and 100–167 kg for females.



Ussuri brown bear (Ursus arctos lasiotus)


Order: Carnivora

Family: Ursidae

Dimensions: length - 2,8 m, height - 125 сm, weight - 400 to 550 kg

Temporal range: 0.5–0 Ma. Russia: southern Kuril Islands, Sakhalin, Maritime Territory, and the Ussuri/Amur River region south of the Stanovoy Range, China (former Manchuria): Heilongjiang, Japan: Hokkaidō, Honshu (in the last glacial period), Korean Peninsula: North Korea. Became extinct on Rebun and Rishiri Islands in the 13th century.



Reviews (5):
Действительно, такие встречи в недалеком прошлом были скорее нормой, чем исключением. Сейчас из за редкости амурского тигра, такое можно разве что представить...
Очепятка - на "голодную тайну", а надо- на "голодную тайгу"...
Чего бы там, да как бы там щас не было на Дальнем Востоке, а задолго до новой истории, а может и щас в какой-нить хабаровской или там приамурской глуши, такая картина вполне имеет место быть! Кто там знает, кто кого - может матерый ведмедь тигру полоски до ребер "прорисует", а может этот Tiger медвежьего гематогена отведает!.. Там ситуации разные могут быть, без всякие там оговорки на "голодную тайну", "браконьероу" и прочая... На коллаже визитка гражданина КНР или стреляные гильзы от "Сайги" нигде не валяются - ЗДЕСЬ ИЗОБРАЖЕН ОПТИМАЛЬНЫЙ ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ ВАРИАНТ на фоне Сихотэ-Алиньских сопок, как я пАнимаю, где все равноценно сильны и может,неравноценно сыты зимой!
Как говорил один "писатель, фантаст" по Дальнему Востоку: представьте Мишку и Тигра на "стометровке". И кто из них придет первым?
Так и в драке. Для самцов тигра и в частности для самок опасны Бурые Мишки в возрасте от (пяти до 10 лет) и весом 220кг до 320кг. Они особенно,борзы, плетутся следом за полосатыми, чтобы отобрать добычу и при случае убить. Тигру в нынешних условиях голодной тайги, браконьерства и липового подсчета численности красно-книжного зверя, мишке противопоставить нечего. Либо отдать добычу, либо с голоду решится на бой. И везет полосатому только в том случае, если попадется худощавый Шатун или очень болезненный. Если бы была кормежка в Тайге как в Африке или на худой конец в Непале, то боев было бы меньше.
Aidan Moore
It reminds me of the Animal Face-Off.