Arsinoitherium Arsinoitherium Arsinoitherium Arsinoitherium Arsinoitherium Arsinoitherium Arsinoitherium


Arsinoitherium (Arsinoitherium Beadnell, 1902)


Order: Embrithopoda

Family: Arsinoitheriidae

Dimensions: length - 5 m, height - 2,2 m, weight - 2500 kg

Temporal range: late Eocene - early Oligocene of northern Africa (36 - 30 million years ago)

A typical representative: Arsinoitherium zitteli Beadnell, 1902


Arsinoitherium is an extinct genus of paenungulate mammal related to elephants, sirenians, hyraxes and the extinct desmostylians, as well as to other extinct embrithopods.These species were rhinoceros-like herbivores that lived during the late Eocene and the early Oligocene of northern Africa from 36 to 30 million years ago, in areas of tropical rainforest and at the margin of mangrove swamps; a newly discovered species, Arsinoitherium giganteum, lived in Ethiopia ~27 million years ago. When alive, it would have superficially resembled a rhinoceros, and have been about 1.8 metres tall at the shoulders, 3 metres long with a weight over 2.5 tons. The most noticeable feature of Arsinoitherium was a pair of enormous knife-like horns with cores of solid bone that projected from above the nose, and a second pair of tiny, knob-like horns on top of the head, immediately behind the larger horns. The skeleton is robust but shows that it was descended from a cursorial ancestor, and that the beast may have been able to run if it had to like a modern elephant or rhinoceros. Its limb bones also suggest that the columnar legs of the living animal were elephant-like (especially since they ended in five-toed feet), rather than rhinoceros-like. Arsinoitherium had a full complement of 44 teeth, which is the primitive state of placental mammalian dentition, suggesting that it was a selective browser. The large size and hefty build of Arsinoitherium would have rendered it largely immune to predation. However, creodonts may have preyed on the young or infirm.

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Arsinoitherium (Arsinoitherium Beadnell, 1902)


Order: Embrithopoda

Family: Arsinoitheriidae

Dimensions: length - 5 m, height - 2,2 m, weight - 2500 kg

Temporal range: late Eocene - early Oligocene of northern Africa (36 - 30 million years ago)

A typical representative: Arsinoitherium zitteli Beadnell, 1902


Arsinoitherium is an extinct genus of paenungulate mammal related to elephants, sirenians, hyraxes and the extinct desmostylians, as well as to other extinct embrithopods.These species were rhinoceros-like herbivores that lived during the late Eocene and the early Oligocene of northern Africa from 36 to 30 million years ago, in areas of tropical rainforest and at the margin of mangrove swamps; a newly discovered species, Arsinoitherium giganteum, lived in Ethiopia ~27 million years ago. When alive, it would have superficially resembled a rhinoceros, and have been about 1.8 metres tall at the shoulders, 3 metres long with a weight over 2.5 tons. The most noticeable feature of Arsinoitherium was a pair of enormous knife-like horns with cores of solid bone that projected from above the nose, and a second pair of tiny, knob-like horns on top of the head, immediately behind the larger horns. The skeleton is robust but shows that it was descended from a cursorial ancestor, and that the beast may have been able to run if it had to like a modern elephant or rhinoceros. Its limb bones also suggest that the columnar legs of the living animal were elephant-like (especially since they ended in five-toed feet), rather than rhinoceros-like. Arsinoitherium had a full complement of 44 teeth, which is the primitive state of placental mammalian dentition, suggesting that it was a selective browser. The large size and hefty build of Arsinoitherium would have rendered it largely immune to predation. However, creodonts may have preyed on the young or infirm.

Reviews (11):
The arsinotherium is like a rhino with 2 horns but it was realeted to elephants
Ром, "рогатым" был лишь африканский арсинойтерий, а концепции неафриканских эмбритопод таковы: 1) Румынский кривадитерий безрогий (можно со слегка вздутыми носовыми костями,похож на молодого безрогого и толстоногого носорожку), 2)турецкая гипсамасия такого же экстерьера, но на носу не такие конусные рога как у арсиноя, а два параллельных, уплощенных с боков коротких киля вдоль морды, можно с двумя шишечками на голове как рожки у арсиноя.3) Турецкая же палеомасия такого же склада, ну можно более веретенообразное тело, а на конце морды - явное вздутие носовых костей, немного меньше чем у гобитерия. Все они должны былибыть более длинношейными, чем арсиной и допустимо, что лысыми - все-таки эоцен-раннеолигоценовое время! Уместно бы поместить их где-нить около воды или среди корней таксодиумов на болоте...
Правда, периоды связи Африки с Ближним Востоком или с югом Европы все же случались, откуда эмбритоподы проникли в Малую Азию (в Турции жили , Hypsamasia и Palaeoamasia), а оттуда через Балканскую сушу без проливов они проникли до Румынии в Европу, где жил Crivadiatherium.
Грамотная реконструкция. Зверь неповторимый, конечно - близкий родич сирен и более дальний - слонов! Ром, сделай реконструкции этого эоцен-раннеолигоценового семейства
эмбритопод. Это маркеры мегафауны Африки, когда она была еще изолирована от других континентов в раннем кайнозое.
Cool but, is it 3m long or 5m because in the text you said 3 and in the top you said five.