Sarkastodon Sarkastodon Sarkastodon Sarkastodon


Sarkastodon (Sarkastodon Granger, 1938)


Order: †Oxyaenodonta

Family: †Oxyaenidae

Dimensions: length - 3 m, height - 125 сm, weight - 200 - 600 kg

Temporal range: lived during the upper Eocene, approximately 48.6 to 37.2 million years ago.(Mongolia)


Sarkastodon is an extinct genus within the family Oxyaenidae that lived during the upper Eocene, approximately 37 million years ago. It was a large, carnivorous animal that lived in what is today Mongolia. It is estimated to have been about 500 kilograms in weight, somewhat bigger than any living bear in average body size and near the maximum possible size for terrestrial carnivorous mammals. It is seen today in animals such as the Kodiak bear, which reaches that size only in captivity. Sarkastodon is assumed to have had a bear-like appearance, though only skulls and jawbones are known. Sarkastodon, like creodonts in general, was probably a hypercarnivore that preyed on large mammals in its range during the Late Eocene, such as brontotheres, chalicotheres, and rhinoceroses.

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Sarkastodon (Sarkastodon Granger, 1938)


Order: †Oxyaenodonta

Family: †Oxyaenidae

Dimensions: length - 3 m, height - 125 сm, weight - 200 - 600 kg

Temporal range: lived during the upper Eocene, approximately 48.6 to 37.2 million years ago.(Mongolia)


Sarkastodon is an extinct genus within the family Oxyaenidae that lived during the upper Eocene, approximately 37 million years ago. It was a large, carnivorous animal that lived in what is today Mongolia. It is estimated to have been about 500 kilograms in weight, somewhat bigger than any living bear in average body size and near the maximum possible size for terrestrial carnivorous mammals. It is seen today in animals such as the Kodiak bear, which reaches that size only in captivity. Sarkastodon is assumed to have had a bear-like appearance, though only skulls and jawbones are known. Sarkastodon, like creodonts in general, was probably a hypercarnivore that preyed on large mammals in its range during the Late Eocene, such as brontotheres, chalicotheres, and rhinoceroses.

Відгуки (6):
Зверюга неподражаемая, ЕДИНСТВЕННО ФОТОГЕНИЧНАЯ из того про саркастодонов, что болтается в Сети! Ром, ты другие варианты этих зверей зачем убрал? Это НЕ ЕСТЬ ПРАФИЛЬНО! Они должны тут быть для разнообразия, а не один "штемпель"! У тебя некоторые "старые" варианты лучше новых или (в большинстве - НЕ ХУЖЕ!). А сайт действительно КРУТОЙ, познавательный и НУЖНЫЙ людям, во всяком случае людям мыслящим и не отупленным всякой информационной "хавкой" и попкорном!
Wooooow! This is my favorite of your pictures! Good job!
I mean the comments also in English.
Chaminda (Sri Lanka)
Awesome site. Great if you can have it in English.
Спасибо! Я стараюсь:)