Hippopotamus gorgops Hippopotamus gorgops Hippopotamus gorgops
Hippopotamus gorgops
Hippopotamus gorgops
Hippopotamus gorgops

Hippopotamus gorgops

Hippopotamus gorgops (Hippopotamus gorgops   Dietrich, 1928)


Order: Artiodactyla

Family: Hippopotamidae

Time period: during the late Miocene- early Pliocene (Africa,Europe)

Size: 4.3 cm in length, 210 cm in height, 3,900 - 4500 kg of weight

Typical representative: Hippopotamus gorgops   Dietrich, 1928


Hippopotamus gorgops  is an extinct species of hippopotamus. It first appeared in Africa during the late Miocene, and eventually migrated into Europe during the early Pliocene (where its fossils were first discovered). It became extinct prior to the Ice Age. With a length of 4.3 metres and a shoulder height of 2.1 metres and with a weight of 3,900 kilograms  H. gorgops was much larger than its living relative, H. amphibius. Another feature setting it apart from H. amphibius were its eyes. Modern hippos have eyes placed high on the skull, but H. gorgops had orbits extruding above its skull, making it even easier for the creature to see its surroundings while (almost) fully under water.



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Hippopotamus gorgops (Hippopotamus gorgops   Dietrich, 1928)


Order: Artiodactyla

Family: Hippopotamidae

Time period: during the late Miocene- early Pliocene (Africa,Europe)

Size: 4.3 cm in length, 210 cm in height, 3,900 - 4500 kg of weight

Typical representative: Hippopotamus gorgops   Dietrich, 1928


Hippopotamus gorgops  is an extinct species of hippopotamus. It first appeared in Africa during the late Miocene, and eventually migrated into Europe during the early Pliocene (where its fossils were first discovered). It became extinct prior to the Ice Age. With a length of 4.3 metres and a shoulder height of 2.1 metres and with a weight of 3,900 kilograms  H. gorgops was much larger than its living relative, H. amphibius. Another feature setting it apart from H. amphibius were its eyes. Modern hippos have eyes placed high on the skull, but H. gorgops had orbits extruding above its skull, making it even easier for the creature to see its surroundings while (almost) fully under water.



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Відгуки (6):
Anonymous, спасибо! Да, опечатку исправил.
В тексте явная опечатка: "2500 тонны". Должно быть "2,5 тонны" или "2500 кг".
Реконструкция этого "горгонопотама" - ВЕЛИКОЛЕПНА! Ром, но как бы фантастично смотрелся европейский гиппо antiquus на берегах "зимней" (скорее поздне-осенне-пейзажной!) Темзы не позднее середины плейстоцена! Да еще с палеолоксодонтами на берегу... Это осмыслить даже трудно, но если бы увидеть - думаю, что и чопорные британцы радовались и удивлялись бы как дети!
It helped me in my school project many many many thanks!!!!!
Ali, many thanks!