Extinct European horse Extinct European horse Extinct European horse Extinct European horse Extinct European horse Extinct European horse Extinct European horse
Extinct European horse
Extinct European horse
Extinct European horse
Extinct European horse
Extinct European horse
Extinct European horse
Extinct European horse

Extinct European horse

Tarpan (Equus ferus ferus  Boddaert, 1785)

Synonyms:Equus equiferus, Equus gmelini, Equus sylvestris, Equus silvaticus, Equus tarpan


Order: Perissodactyla

Family: Equidae

Expansion: Pleistocene - Holocene Eastern and Central Europe (The last individual believed to be of this subspecies died in captivity in Russia in 1909)

Dimensions: 2 m in length, 140-150 cm in height, 250kg of weight

A typical representative: Equus ferus ferus  Boddaert, 1785


Tarpan - extinct horse, which was widespreaded in the steppes of Europe, southern and south-eastern European part of Russia, in Western Siberia and in western Kazakhstan still in the XVIII-XIX centuries. There were two forms: the Steppe Tarpan and Forest Tarpan. The Steppe Tarpan was relatively small in stature, had a large, slightly hooked nose head, pointed ears and a thick short coat that greatly lengthened winter. His mane was short and thick, like the Przewalski's horse, and the tail - the average length. Color in summer could be uniform - black-brown, yellow-brown or grayish-yellow; winter - lighter: more gray with broad dark stripe along the back. Legs, mane and tail were dark; on the legs could be markings like a zebra. The Forest Tarpan differed from the Steppe Tarpan somewhat smaller and lighter physique, but probably these animals could freely interbreed and produce offspring. Tarpans created herds, and the Steppe Tarpans sometimes created several hundred head, which broke into small groups led by a stallion. These horses were extremely wild, very cautious and fearful. In Poland and East Prussia Tarpans survived until the end of XVIII - early XIX centuries. The Forest Tarpans living in a zoo in the Polish town of Zamosc, were distributed to farmers in 1808. As a result of interbreeding with Tarpans domestic horses, turned "Polysh Konyk" - a small gray horse, similar to the Tarpan, with dark "belt" on the back and dark legs. In our time, the Polish part of Bialowieza Forest of individuals collected for peasant farms, in which at various times were Tarpans and gave offspring, were artificially restored so-called "look-alike Tarpan" horses that look like Tarpans. Many features have been restored, except like the standing of the Przewalski's horse mane and a relatively short tail. These "almost" Tarpans were released into the wild. Subsequently "look-alike Tarpan" horses were imported in the Belarusian part of Bialowieza Forest too.



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Tarpan (Equus ferus ferus  Boddaert, 1785)

Synonyms:Equus equiferus, Equus gmelini, Equus sylvestris, Equus silvaticus, Equus tarpan


Order: Perissodactyla

Family: Equidae

Expansion: Pleistocene - Holocene Eastern and Central Europe (The last individual believed to be of this subspecies died in captivity in Russia in 1909)

Dimensions: 2 m in length, 140-150 cm in height, 250kg of weight

A typical representative: Equus ferus ferus  Boddaert, 1785


Tarpan - extinct horse, which was widespreaded in the steppes of Europe, southern and south-eastern European part of Russia, in Western Siberia and in western Kazakhstan still in the XVIII-XIX centuries. There were two forms: the Steppe Tarpan and Forest Tarpan. The Steppe Tarpan was relatively small in stature, had a large, slightly hooked nose head, pointed ears and a thick short coat that greatly lengthened winter. His mane was short and thick, like the Przewalski's horse, and the tail - the average length. Color in summer could be uniform - black-brown, yellow-brown or grayish-yellow; winter - lighter: more gray with broad dark stripe along the back. Legs, mane and tail were dark; on the legs could be markings like a zebra. The Forest Tarpan differed from the Steppe Tarpan somewhat smaller and lighter physique, but probably these animals could freely interbreed and produce offspring. Tarpans created herds, and the Steppe Tarpans sometimes created several hundred head, which broke into small groups led by a stallion. These horses were extremely wild, very cautious and fearful. In Poland and East Prussia Tarpans survived until the end of XVIII - early XIX centuries. The Forest Tarpans living in a zoo in the Polish town of Zamosc, were distributed to farmers in 1808. As a result of interbreeding with Tarpans domestic horses, turned "Polysh Konyk" - a small gray horse, similar to the Tarpan, with dark "belt" on the back and dark legs. In our time, the Polish part of Bialowieza Forest of individuals collected for peasant farms, in which at various times were Tarpans and gave offspring, were artificially restored so-called "look-alike Tarpan" horses that look like Tarpans. Many features have been restored, except like the standing of the Przewalski's horse mane and a relatively short tail. These "almost" Tarpans were released into the wild. Subsequently "look-alike Tarpan" horses were imported in the Belarusian part of Bialowieza Forest too.



Відгуки (20):
Пятнистых лошадей палолитические художники запечатлели в пещере Пеш-Марль...Но это маловероятно - все потенциально желаемые жертвы на изображениях палеолитических художников потрясающе натуралистичны и исполненны жизненной силы! Навряд ли истерзанное болезнью животное могло вызывать аппетит даже в то нелегкое для человечества время и быть желанным объектом охоты или творчества художников....А чубарый окрас - вполне себе реальная, хоть и редкая масть для лошадей...Правда домашних... Как и темно-серые в белых яблоках лошади....Например где -нибудь в каменисто-скалистой местности вполне мог быть и такой вполне маскирующий окрас..
Да, Ром, ты безусловно прав - это локальная популяция, которую наблюдали кроманьонцы в окрестностях недалеко от современной Тулузы во Франции около 25000 годков тому назад....Вероятно, но не факт.... Некоторые исследователи полагают, что пятна - это символические знаки "на удачу" перед охотой, типо магического заговора на лошадь... Другие полагают, что пятна - не естественный окрас , а изображение больных животных, чья шкура изъедена язвами...
Эти лошади сделаны как иллюстрация к пещерной живописи. Наши предки изобразили именно таких.
Ром, вот этот коллаж с группой лошадок вообще непонятен - разве это тарпаны?... По окрасу - какие-то плейстоценовые лошадки из европейских пещер - то ли из Ласко, то ли из Солютре... Особенно этот пегий, чубарый, кажется, жеребец....Разве в природе такой бы до взрослого состояния дожил?... Ну допустим.... Но это скорее доместицированный вариант.... А те, рыжеватые, вообще по азиатски выглядят тут, в "тарпаньем уголке"....Я глыбоко сумняшеся, что в дикой популяции могла попасться такая нерационально окрашенная особь - если бы это был гармонично "дикий" окрас как у пятнистого оленя или у зебры - тогда да, а тут явно какая-то иррациональность природы проявилась... Что-то подобное, чубарое, только у нарвалов или тюленей встречается - но там это тоже природная целесообразность, а у диких лошадей, зебр и ослов скорее могут появиться альбиносы, меланисты или леукистики (бледноокрашенные), но они генетически рецессивны и в перспективе - обречены....
Роман Станиславович, изваяй табунок тарпанов зимой - живописно будет... Как тебенюют (копытят снег), как дышат морозным воздухом (пар)...