Equus (Allohippus) stenonis Equus (Allohippus) stenonis Equus (Allohippus) stenonis
Equus (Allohippus) stenonis
Equus (Allohippus) stenonis
Equus (Allohippus) stenonis

Equus (Allohippus) stenonis

Equus (Allohippus) stenonis (Equus (Allohippus) stenonis Cocchi, 1867)


Order: Perissodactyla

Family: Equidae

Dimensions: 2,5 m in length, 150 cm in height, 450kg of weight

Expansion: Late Pliocene - Early Pleistocene (Eurasia, North Africa)



Equus (Allohippus) stenonis is an extinct genus of zebra-like horse that lived in the Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene in Western Europe, South East Europe and in North Africa. Part of the Taman faunal assemblage and open spaces inhabited savanna type. It lived in a fairly arid climate. This horse was large about the height at the withers reaching 145-155 cm in the structure of the dentition, the skull and limb bones were observed archaic features. It was one of the first migrants to North America.

In Eurasia the horses entered in the land bridge between Siberia and Alaska 2.5-3.0 million years ago and quickly spread to the territory due to the extensive development of the steppe spaces. In Europe, tis horse appeared Stenona 2.0 million years ago too approximately 1.0 million years ago. Its range covers Western (France, Italy, etc.) and Eastern Europe (Moldova, southern Ukraine, Crimea), the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia (Georgia .) Similar to remains found and further east - in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Western Siberia. As a representative of primitive horses, it was replaced by the more progressive views.

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Equus (Allohippus) stenonis (Equus (Allohippus) stenonis Cocchi, 1867)


Order: Perissodactyla

Family: Equidae

Dimensions: 2,5 m in length, 150 cm in height, 450kg of weight

Expansion: Late Pliocene - Early Pleistocene (Eurasia, North Africa)



Equus (Allohippus) stenonis is an extinct genus of zebra-like horse that lived in the Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene in Western Europe, South East Europe and in North Africa. Part of the Taman faunal assemblage and open spaces inhabited savanna type. It lived in a fairly arid climate. This horse was large about the height at the withers reaching 145-155 cm in the structure of the dentition, the skull and limb bones were observed archaic features. It was one of the first migrants to North America.

In Eurasia the horses entered in the land bridge between Siberia and Alaska 2.5-3.0 million years ago and quickly spread to the territory due to the extensive development of the steppe spaces. In Europe, tis horse appeared Stenona 2.0 million years ago too approximately 1.0 million years ago. Its range covers Western (France, Italy, etc.) and Eastern Europe (Moldova, southern Ukraine, Crimea), the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia (Georgia .) Similar to remains found and further east - in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Western Siberia. As a representative of primitive horses, it was replaced by the more progressive views.

Відгуки (3):
Ром, а кто такие санменская и сиваликская лошади?... Они со стеноидными зеброидами вроде как в одну эпоху на заре плейстоцена жили, толко в более аридных и континентальных местах, не так ли?.. Вот бы ты их ИЗВАЯЛ...
Ром, я читал в справочнике о лошадях, что у лошади Сенона было два экотипа- один такой вот как здесь, похожий на зебру Грэви, а второй помельче и вроде был как обыкновенная саванная зебра. Не знаю правда это или нет. Общий стереотип аллогиппуса Стенона все-таки "грэвиобразный". И на других реконструкциях- "поделках" его так малюют...
Что скажешь, "Стенон в натуре"!Ром, а вы бы не могли изобразить плейстоценового осла на фоне малоснежной осенне-зимней низкотравной степи - уникальный был зверь, жаль вымер. Почти аналог то ли европейского кулана, то ли абиссинского дикого осла. Концепция его изображения может подаваться как "дико-ослиная" с серым окрасом, плечевой и наножной полосатостью, но с более заметной шерстью (все-таки плейстоцен Европы и средних широт Азии!), либо как куланья, но с более белесой или серой (но не куланьей) окраской... Попробуйте...