Puzzle Megalodon Puzzle Megalodon Puzzle Megalodon
Puzzle Megalodon
Puzzle Megalodon
Puzzle Megalodon

Puzzle Megalodon

Size: 42*30 cm (A3 format)

Number of elements: 240 pcs.

Recommended age: 6+



- box

- A5 post card with the information of the animal

- pack with the puzzles


Subjects: Megalodon (Carcharodon megalodon), Smilodon fatalis, Steppe mammoth (Mammuthus trogontherii), Woolly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis)


Dear Friends, our puzzles with prehistoric animals are not just a game which will entertain you for a few hours. This is a work of many paleontologists and other scientists who dedicated their lives to prehistoric flora and fauna. Our puzzles are not simple photos as it may seem at first - these are images of ancient creatures which are artistically recreated based on their skeletons. These animals inhabited the Earth after the dinosaurs. Many of them still remain an enigma, as nobody has ever seen them…


Please indicate your mailing address and preferred delivery service in the order comments.


NEW SERVICE! You can order the puzzle with any animal from our Galleries. Contact us at [email protected] - we calculate the cost of the puzzle production and specify delivery time.

У Вас є кілька зручних способів купівлі зображення: кредитна чи дебетова картка Visa, Mastercard, Maestro; PayPal або банківський переказ

Size: 42*30 cm (A3 format)

Number of elements: 240 pcs.

Recommended age: 6+



- box

- A5 post card with the information of the animal

- pack with the puzzles


Subjects: Megalodon (Carcharodon megalodon), Smilodon fatalis, Steppe mammoth (Mammuthus trogontherii), Woolly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis)


Dear Friends, our puzzles with prehistoric animals are not just a game which will entertain you for a few hours. This is a work of many paleontologists and other scientists who dedicated their lives to prehistoric flora and fauna. Our puzzles are not simple photos as it may seem at first - these are images of ancient creatures which are artistically recreated based on their skeletons. These animals inhabited the Earth after the dinosaurs. Many of them still remain an enigma, as nobody has ever seen them…


Please indicate your mailing address and preferred delivery service in the order comments.


NEW SERVICE! You can order the puzzle with any animal from our Galleries. Contact us at [email protected] - we calculate the cost of the puzzle production and specify delivery time.

Відгуки (7):
о, вижу объявлена цена. для Украины более, чем приемлемо. Сделаете креодонта - закажу тут же!
Жду креодонта, лучше гиенодона какого-нибудь, они само совершенство формы :)

Как жаль, что для выживания одного физического совершенства мало
Ali Akbar
you're selling merchandise now? That's so cool! Awesome!
Пока есть только эти 4 коробки. Позже будут еще. Цену уточню по почте.
а за сколько? хочу купить! только Креодонта какого нить :) будут такие?