Paraphysornis brasiliensis Paraphysornis brasiliensis Paraphysornis brasiliensis
Paraphysornis brasiliensis
Paraphysornis brasiliensis
Paraphysornis brasiliensis

Paraphysornis brasiliensis

Paraphysornis (†Paraphysornis (Alvarenga, 1993))


Class: Aves

Order: Cariamiformes

Family: Phorusrhacidae

Time period: lived in the Oligocene - Early Miocene, some ~23 million years ago (South America)

Size: 200 cm in height, 100 - 200 kg of weight

Typical representative: Paraphysornis brasiliensis  Alvarenga, 1982


Paraphysornis is an extinct genus of giant flightless predatory birds of the family Phorusrhacidae or "terror birds"  that lived in South America (Brazil). Its length was about 2 meter and the skull had a length of 60 centimeter. The only known species is Paraphysornis brasiliensis. It lived 23 million years ago.

Paraphysornis shares several characteristics with Brontornis. Due to shared features, Paraphysornis is traditionally considered a member of Brontornithinae alongside Brontornis and Physornis. However, the nature of this clade has come into question, with some researchers arguing that Brontornis does in fact not represent a phorusrhacid and may instead be a gastornithiform anserimorph. Although the matter is debated, Agnolin proposed the name Physornithinae for a clade containing both Physornis and Paraphysornis.
The anatomy of the mandible and the shape of the claws both clearly suggest that the bird was a carnivore, like other Phorusrhacids. Reasonable to assume that Paraphysornis was an active predator like its relatives, leaning more towards ambushing its prey than running them down.
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Paraphysornis (†Paraphysornis (Alvarenga, 1993))


Class: Aves

Order: Cariamiformes

Family: Phorusrhacidae

Time period: lived in the Oligocene - Early Miocene, some ~23 million years ago (South America)

Size: 200 cm in height, 100 - 200 kg of weight

Typical representative: Paraphysornis brasiliensis  Alvarenga, 1982


Paraphysornis is an extinct genus of giant flightless predatory birds of the family Phorusrhacidae or "terror birds"  that lived in South America (Brazil). Its length was about 2 meter and the skull had a length of 60 centimeter. The only known species is Paraphysornis brasiliensis. It lived 23 million years ago.

Paraphysornis shares several characteristics with Brontornis. Due to shared features, Paraphysornis is traditionally considered a member of Brontornithinae alongside Brontornis and Physornis. However, the nature of this clade has come into question, with some researchers arguing that Brontornis does in fact not represent a phorusrhacid and may instead be a gastornithiform anserimorph. Although the matter is debated, Agnolin proposed the name Physornithinae for a clade containing both Physornis and Paraphysornis.
The anatomy of the mandible and the shape of the claws both clearly suggest that the bird was a carnivore, like other Phorusrhacids. Reasonable to assume that Paraphysornis was an active predator like its relatives, leaning more towards ambushing its prey than running them down.
Відгуки (4):
Ром, дино-птички у тебя ИЗУМИТЕЛЬНЫЕ - я не спец-орнитолог и до деталей палеонтологических параметров и пропорций прикопаться не могу... Однако это экзотика - мало ли что там в Южных Америках и прочих "гондванах" обитало раньше и обитает сейчас от кариам и лягушкоротов до палеогнат и гоацинов. А вот твои реконструкции древних попугаеобразных из Европы (Мессель или Лондон Глэй), а может и европейских палеогнат типа ремиорниса или палеотиса, или еропейских катартид или кариамообразных (если такие были, а кажется были в эоцене), а может быть и каких нибудь древних курообразных типа сорных кур или чачалак, произвели бы ФУРОР на любителей кайнозойского прошлого!
I know how terror birds
Bill O'Kelly
Beautiful image, agly bird - like how it is presented!