Palaeoloxodon recki Palaeoloxodon recki Palaeoloxodon recki
Palaeoloxodon recki
Palaeoloxodon recki
Palaeoloxodon recki

Palaeoloxodon recki

Palaeoloxodon recki (Palaeoloxodon recki (Dietrich, 1894))


Order: Proboscidea

Family: Elephantidae

Dimensions: length - 6 m (with tusks), height - 4,3 m, weight - 12300 kg

Temporal range: during the Pliocene - Pleistocene epoch (Africa and Arabia, 3.5 million - 130 000 years ago)


Palaeoloxodon recki is an extinct species related to the Asian elephant Elephas maximus. At up to 4.27 metres in shoulder height, it was one of the largest elephant species to have ever lived. It is believed that P. recki ranged throughout Africa between 3.5 and 1 million years ago. The Asian Elephant is the closest living relative of P. recki. P. recki was a successful grass-eating elephant that lived throughout the Pliocene and the Pleistocene until it was pushed to extinction, perhaps by competition with members of the genus Loxodonta, the African elephants of today.

A male of P. recki from Koobi Fora was 40 years old when it died. At that age it was 4.27 metres tall and weighed 12.3 tonnes . The species is known from the Middle Atlas of Morocco

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Palaeoloxodon recki (Palaeoloxodon recki (Dietrich, 1894))


Order: Proboscidea

Family: Elephantidae

Dimensions: length - 6 m (with tusks), height - 4,3 m, weight - 12300 kg

Temporal range: during the Pliocene - Pleistocene epoch (Africa and Arabia, 3.5 million - 130 000 years ago)


Palaeoloxodon recki is an extinct species related to the Asian elephant Elephas maximus. At up to 4.27 metres in shoulder height, it was one of the largest elephant species to have ever lived. It is believed that P. recki ranged throughout Africa between 3.5 and 1 million years ago. The Asian Elephant is the closest living relative of P. recki. P. recki was a successful grass-eating elephant that lived throughout the Pliocene and the Pleistocene until it was pushed to extinction, perhaps by competition with members of the genus Loxodonta, the African elephants of today.

A male of P. recki from Koobi Fora was 40 years old when it died. At that age it was 4.27 metres tall and weighed 12.3 tonnes . The species is known from the Middle Atlas of Morocco

Відгуки (9):
this is a retro.the palaeoloxodon recki is the first palaeoloxodon species because it live in the pliocene and pleistocene epoch in africa and the arabia
the palaeoloxidon reckons is the first palaeoloxidon species because it live in the early Pliocene in Africa
Amazing reconstruction of Palaeoloxodon recki, a Pliocene-Middle Pleistocene elephant from Africa. Can you do a reconstruction of the Late Pleistocene African straight-tusked elephant (Palaeoloxodon iolensis), Syrian elephant (Elephas maximus maximus var. asurus) and North African elephant (Loxodonta pharaonensis)? I would love to see it.
Shane Wright
P. recki went extinct around 130K years ago during an event known as the "peopling of Africa" when Homo sapiens expanded rapidly outward from an East African core homeland to occupy Sahelian and Kalahari zones - this may have been causal in the loss of this elephant and half a dozen other arid zone bovids.
Да все тут ясно! Так же как и про мамонтов
- "... от середины плейстоцена около 300 тыс.лет назад до 12-10 тыс. лет назад..." Потом в некоторых источниках или даже по академических учебниках истории "...последние мамонты вымерли на левобережье Урала 8 тыс.лет назад.." А последние врангелевские карликовые мамонты - так вообще ровесники древнеегипетской цивилизации,тусовались на северах еще 4-5 тыс.лет назад! Такие вот разнописы. Про тарпанов тоже вон пишут, что в природе истреблены то ли к концу XVIII в., то ли к середине XIX в., а последние дожили то ли до 1914 г. в Польше, то ли в Аскании-Нова на Херсонщине где-то до 1900-х годов... А в итоге хоть полукровки - польские коники да немецкие кони Хека все же остались как одомашненные последние "тарпаны", сохранившие основную генетическую базу, хоть и не совсем чистые, значит вообще-то ВИД ВЫЖИЛ? Короче, КАК ХОЧЕШЬ - ТАК И ПОНИМАЙ...