Nimbacinus dicksoni Nimbacinus dicksoni Nimbacinus dicksoni
Nimbacinus dicksoni
Nimbacinus dicksoni
Nimbacinus dicksoni

Nimbacinus dicksoni

Nimbacinus dicksoni (†Nimbacinus dicksoni (Muirhead & Archer, 1990))
Class: Mammalia
Subclass: Marsupialia
Order: Dasyuromorphia
Family: †Thylacinidae
Genus: †Nimbacinus
Dimensions: length - 50 cm, tail - 40 cm, height - 25 сm, weight - 2-5 kg
Temporal range: Miocene (Australia, 23-16 million years ago)
Nimbacinus dicksoni was an ancient thylacine a distant relative of the modern but extinct thylacinid known as the Tasmanian tiger. It lived approximately 23-16 million years ago in the Miocene period. Nimbacinus dicksoni was about 50 cm long. Being a predator, it likely ate birds, small mammals, and reptiles. Like the modern thylacine, it may have been an awkward runner and used stamina to catch prey rather than speed. Fossils have been found in Australia at Riversleigh in north-western Queensland and Bullock Creek in the Northern Territory.
Like all thylacinids, Nimbacinus dicksoni was a dog-like marsupial, though its smaller size makes its appearance more comparable to that of a fox. Unlike its relatives, its jaws were likely strong enough for it to take down prey larger than itself.
The known material consists of a nearly complete skeleton, missing only the feet and tail, though the holotype consists only of upper and lower jaws found in a different part of the same fossil site. In terms of completeness, it is the best-known thylacinid outside of the only recently extinct thylacine.
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Nimbacinus dicksoni (†Nimbacinus dicksoni (Muirhead & Archer, 1990))
Class: Mammalia
Subclass: Marsupialia
Order: Dasyuromorphia
Family: †Thylacinidae
Genus: †Nimbacinus
Dimensions: length - 50 cm, tail - 40 cm, height - 25 сm, weight - 2-5 kg
Temporal range: Miocene (Australia, 23-16 million years ago)
Nimbacinus dicksoni was an ancient thylacine a distant relative of the modern but extinct thylacinid known as the Tasmanian tiger. It lived approximately 23-16 million years ago in the Miocene period. Nimbacinus dicksoni was about 50 cm long. Being a predator, it likely ate birds, small mammals, and reptiles. Like the modern thylacine, it may have been an awkward runner and used stamina to catch prey rather than speed. Fossils have been found in Australia at Riversleigh in north-western Queensland and Bullock Creek in the Northern Territory.
Like all thylacinids, Nimbacinus dicksoni was a dog-like marsupial, though its smaller size makes its appearance more comparable to that of a fox. Unlike its relatives, its jaws were likely strong enough for it to take down prey larger than itself.
The known material consists of a nearly complete skeleton, missing only the feet and tail, though the holotype consists only of upper and lower jaws found in a different part of the same fossil site. In terms of completeness, it is the best-known thylacinid outside of the only recently extinct thylacine.
Відгуки (4):
Ну животное необычное.
Jack Huxley
While reading this I had several questions:
- What do the crosses represent, i.e. †Thylacinidae
- "Size comparison between Nimbacinus dicksoni (blue) and Thylacinus cynocephalus (orange)", is there to be a graph, or some kind?
- Finally, what is a "holotype"?
Overall, I would rate the content to be typical, like some others.
Нимбацин, говоришь... Да еще из этих хищных сумкарей славного "воинского" рода Дасиурид... Значит выходит, что сей раннемиоценовый "австралиец" - непосредственный родич (или предок?) сумчатых дьяблов и сумчатых куниц? Или я глубоко ошибаюсь?.. А коллаж живой, реальный, со "скрытой камерой" запечатленный!