

Nannippus (†Nannippus parvulus (Marsh, 1868))
Order: Perissodactyla
Family: Equidae
Expansion: Miocene-Pliocene of North America (13.3—3.3 million years ago)
Dimensions: 1,9 m in length, 90 cm in height, 65 - 90 kg of weight
Nannippus is an extinct genus of three-toed horse endemic to North America during the Miocene through Pliocene, about 13.3—3.3 million years ago (Mya), living around 11.1 million years.
Nannippus lived as far south as central Mexico (N. peninsulatus) to as far north as Canada (N. lenticularis), to California in the west, and North Carolina (N. lenticularis) and Florida (N. peninsulatus) in the east.
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Nannippus (†Nannippus parvulus (Marsh, 1868))
Order: Perissodactyla
Family: Equidae
Expansion: Miocene-Pliocene of North America (13.3—3.3 million years ago)
Dimensions: 1,9 m in length, 90 cm in height, 65 - 90 kg of weight
Nannippus is an extinct genus of three-toed horse endemic to North America during the Miocene through Pliocene, about 13.3—3.3 million years ago (Mya), living around 11.1 million years.
Nannippus lived as far south as central Mexico (N. peninsulatus) to as far north as Canada (N. lenticularis), to California in the west, and North Carolina (N. lenticularis) and Florida (N. peninsulatus) in the east.
Відгуки (2):
Великолепная реконструкция Маэстро Романа! А для меня еще и ОТКРЫТИЕ... Я-то думал, что настоящие лошади - все однопалые, начиная с плиогиппуса, а тут на тебе - трехпалый наниппус...А почему его тогда к архаичным гиппарионовым не отнесли?...По каким признакам он лошадь?...Вроде и трехпалый, и узкомордый, и грацильный...
Здорово, Роман!

А, где твой Дромомерикс пропал?