

Nalacetus (†Nalacetus (Thewissen & Hussain 1998))
Order: Artiodactyla
Parvorder: †Archaeoceti
Family: †Pakicetidae
Temporal range: during the Eocene of Pakistan
Dimensions: length - 1,8 m, weight - 30 - 70 kg
Nalacetus is an extinct pakicetid early whale, fossils of which have been found in Lutetian red beds in Punjab (Pakistan). Nalacetus lived in a fresh water environment, was amphibious, and carnivorous. It was considered monophyletic by Cooper, Thewissen & Hussain 2009. It was said to be wolf-sized and one of the earliest forms of the order Cetacea.
Nalacetus is known mostly from dental remains.
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Nalacetus (†Nalacetus (Thewissen & Hussain 1998))
Order: Artiodactyla
Parvorder: †Archaeoceti
Family: †Pakicetidae
Temporal range: during the Eocene of Pakistan
Dimensions: length - 1,8 m, weight - 30 - 70 kg
Nalacetus is an extinct pakicetid early whale, fossils of which have been found in Lutetian red beds in Punjab (Pakistan). Nalacetus lived in a fresh water environment, was amphibious, and carnivorous. It was considered monophyletic by Cooper, Thewissen & Hussain 2009. It was said to be wolf-sized and one of the earliest forms of the order Cetacea.
Nalacetus is known mostly from dental remains.