Extinct and Modern Big Cats (Pantherinae) Extinct and Modern Big Cats (Pantherinae) Extinct and Modern Big Cats (Pantherinae)
Extinct and Modern Big Cats (Pantherinae)
Extinct and Modern Big Cats (Pantherinae)
Extinct and Modern Big Cats (Pantherinae)

Extinct and Modern Big Cats (Pantherinae)

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Відгуки (27):
I’m an 11 year old girl! 6th grade and tigers are my favorite animals
The Siberian Tiger is the biggest tiger ever seen!
(Continues from the end of the last post)Taiga is a very harsh environment in where the lion would die in a day. Tigers are very adaptable. Remember what darwin said:
"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."
I would love to talk to you guys about this subject. My email is [email protected] And id like to have a further conversation about this.
The strongest one is the one who stands alone.
You guys say lions mane makes their specie special.. But how about the tigers stripes?! I like the stripes more then a mane. The mane is actually a disadvantage to a lion in hunting, And is only for attracting mates. And i would say that a tigers coat is far far more superior and beautiful to a lions drab coat. And to mention, Lions only have males with the mane while tigers both genders have stripes. A tiger can fend for himself while a lion needs help of a pride, Which makes the tiger automatically stronger. And not to mention that tigers are harder to tame, Making the tiger more strong minded then the lion. The lion is weak minded that's why it is easy for tamers to tame them, While a tiger is very hard and is more feared. I would recommend that you guys get educated on this subject with tigers and lions. And what makes me angry the most, Is when cave leon said that lions hunt deadlier prey. Did you forget that lions hunt in prides?
Its obvious you guys are bias against tigers. Come on guys, We all know tigers are the superior cats and the number one cat. Who says tigers aren't fighters? They are stronger and more courageous to lions. They are bigger, and stronger. This picture is inaccurate. Tigers are one of the strongest animals in the world, Why do people keep comparing them to lions, Which lions are not even in the top 10 list of strongest animals in terms of strength to weight. If they were stronger, Lions would be above the tiger in the list, But they are not! Tigers fight for territorial fights, Fights over females and when they grow up they fight other siblings. The lions mane is only there for attracting a mate just like a peacocks feathers.(Continues next post)..