Megalocnus Megalocnus Megalocnus


Megalocnus (†Megalocnus rodens (Leidy, 1868))
Order: Pilosa
Family: †Megalocnidae
Temporal range: during the Pleistocene - Holocene (Cuba)
Dimensions: length - 2,3 m, weight - 90 kg
The ground sloths of the extinct genus Megalocnus ("great sloth") were among the largest of the Caribbean ground sloths, with individuals estimated to have weighed up to 90 kg when alive. Two species have been described, M. rodens of Cuba, and M. zile of Hispaniola. 
Subfossils of M. rodens indicate survival well into the Holocene. The most recent AMS radiocarbon date reported is 4190 BP, calibrated to c. 4700 BP. This is similar to the most recent date reported for a Hispaniolan sloth, 4391 BP, calibrated to c. 5000 BP, for the small and probably semiarboreal Neocnus comes, and some 1,200 years after the earliest known date for human occupation of Cuba, 5140 BP, calibrated to c. 5900 BP
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Megalocnus (†Megalocnus rodens (Leidy, 1868))
Order: Pilosa
Family: †Megalocnidae
Temporal range: during the Pleistocene - Holocene (Cuba)
Dimensions: length - 2,3 m, weight - 90 kg
The ground sloths of the extinct genus Megalocnus ("great sloth") were among the largest of the Caribbean ground sloths, with individuals estimated to have weighed up to 90 kg when alive. Two species have been described, M. rodens of Cuba, and M. zile of Hispaniola. 
Subfossils of M. rodens indicate survival well into the Holocene. The most recent AMS radiocarbon date reported is 4190 BP, calibrated to c. 4700 BP. This is similar to the most recent date reported for a Hispaniolan sloth, 4391 BP, calibrated to c. 5000 BP, for the small and probably semiarboreal Neocnus comes, and some 1,200 years after the earliest known date for human occupation of Cuba, 5140 BP, calibrated to c. 5900 BP
Відгуки (4):
Pedro Alencar
Do you think that if Megalocnus had survived to this day, we would have used it as a pet? she seems to have been quite docile as there weren't many predators that could kill her most were area threats and 3 terrestrial ones (a boa constrictor and 2 wild dogs the size of foxes), and could she have taken on the role of being Cuba's panda ? like being the animal that everyone thinks of when they think of Cuba
Ром, реконструкция как всегда
Ром, реконструкция как всегдa....Короче САФАРИ в прошлое!!! Карибские острова та еще "система изоляции" от Большой Америки... Там еще какие-то гигантские грызуны вроде хутиевых водились, и местный тюлень-монах, и даже обезьяны вроде ревунов Paralouata! А из птиц какие-то гигантские совы и нелетаюсчий кубинский журавль, и местный ибис-боксер с неспособными к полету крыльями-колотушками... Ну примат паралоуата наверное на рыжего ревуна был похож?.. А кубинский нелетающий журавль не знаю на кого - наверное бескрылый дегенерат, похожий на квнвдского журавля или на американского с более темным оттенком?..

Ром, реконструкция как всегда