Hyrachyus Hyrachyus Hyrachyus


Hyrachyus (†Hyrachyus (Leidy, 1871))
Order: Perissodactyla
Superfamily: Rhinocerotoidea
Family: †Hyrachyidae
Time period: Eocene of Europe, North America and Asia
Size: 1,5 m in length, 75 cm in height, 45-90 kg of weight
Hyrachyus is an extinct genus of perissodactyl mammal that lived in Eocene Europe, North America, and Asia.  It is closely related to Lophiodon and palaeotheres, and suspected to be the ancestor of modern tapirs and rhinoceroses. Physically, it would have looked very similar to modern tapirs, but Its teeth, however, resembled those of a rhinoceros, supporting the idea of its relationship with that group.
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Hyrachyus (†Hyrachyus (Leidy, 1871))
Order: Perissodactyla
Superfamily: Rhinocerotoidea
Family: †Hyrachyidae
Time period: Eocene of Europe, North America and Asia
Size: 1,5 m in length, 75 cm in height, 45-90 kg of weight
Hyrachyus is an extinct genus of perissodactyl mammal that lived in Eocene Europe, North America, and Asia.  It is closely related to Lophiodon and palaeotheres, and suspected to be the ancestor of modern tapirs and rhinoceroses. Physically, it would have looked very similar to modern tapirs, but Its teeth, however, resembled those of a rhinoceros, supporting the idea of its relationship with that group.