Hesperidoceras merlai Hesperidoceras merlai
Hesperidoceras merlai
Hesperidoceras merlai

Hesperidoceras merlai

This species is a rare primitive goat, only described in Villarroya and some fragments in Huelago (Spain). The size is supposed to be medium, probably similar to domestic goats. there are very few known bones of the trunk and limbs.

This species is a rare primitive goat, only described in Villarroya and some fragments in Huelago (Spain). The size is supposed to be medium, probably similar to domestic goats. there are very few known bones of the trunk and limbs.

Відгуки (1):
Ром, занятная реконструкция, но ... информационнно "вакуумная"! Ничего про него нигде не нашел вразумительного.. Это кто вообще - дикий вид (из какой эпохи?) или "жертва доместикации" - рога какие-то у него "неправильны" и "нецелесообразно" изогнуты? Неплохо было бы еще к пояснению парочку реконструкций....