Gobiatherium mirificum Gobiatherium mirificum
Gobiatherium mirificum
Gobiatherium mirificum

Gobiatherium mirificum

Gobiatherium (Gobiatherium Osborn & Granger, 1932)


Order: Dinocerata

Family: Uintatheriidae

Subfamily: Gobiatheriinae

Genus: Gobiatherium

Dimensions: length - 3,8 m, height -  125 сm, weight - 2000 kg

Temporal range: from the Mid Eocene of Asia


Gobiatherium  was one of the last Uintatheres, from the Mid Eocene of Mongolia. Unlike its North American cousins, Uintatherium or Eobasileus, Gobiatherium lacked knob-like horns, or even fang-like tusks. Instead, it had enlarged cheekbones and an almost spherical snout.

Because of the noticeable lack of many diagnostic uintathere features (the horns and tusks), the genus is placed within its own subfamily, "Gobiatheriinae," though some experts prefer to rank it as the family "Gobiatheriidae".

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Gobiatherium (Gobiatherium Osborn & Granger, 1932)


Order: Dinocerata

Family: Uintatheriidae

Subfamily: Gobiatheriinae

Genus: Gobiatherium

Dimensions: length - 3,8 m, height -  125 сm, weight - 2000 kg

Temporal range: from the Mid Eocene of Asia


Gobiatherium  was one of the last Uintatheres, from the Mid Eocene of Mongolia. Unlike its North American cousins, Uintatherium or Eobasileus, Gobiatherium lacked knob-like horns, or even fang-like tusks. Instead, it had enlarged cheekbones and an almost spherical snout.

Because of the noticeable lack of many diagnostic uintathere features (the horns and tusks), the genus is placed within its own subfamily, "Gobiatheriinae," though some experts prefer to rank it as the family "Gobiatheriidae".

Відгуки (1):
Азиатский родич уинтатерия и эобазилея! Своеобразный, а ведь от одного продиноцерасного корня с ними - и такие разные!!!!!!!