Glyptodon Glyptodon Glyptodon Glyptodon Glyptodon


Glyptodon (Glyptodon Owen, 1839)


Order: Pilosa

Family: Glyptodontidae

Time period: late Pliocene - late Pleistocene of America (3 Ma - 11.000 years ago)

Size: 3 m in length, 140 cm in height, 2000 kg of weight.

Typical representative: Glyptodon clavipes Owen, 1839


Glyptodonts was a large, more heavily armored relatives of extinct pampatheres and modern armadillos. They first evolved during the Miocene in South America, which remained their center of species diversity. For example, an Early Miocene glyptodont with many primitive features, when compared to other species, Parapropalaehoplophorus septentrionalis, was discovered at a now-elevated site in Chile and described in 2007. When the Panama isthmus formed about three million years ago, several species, such as Glyptotherium texanum, spread north as part of the Great American Interchange, as did pampatheres and armadillos. The main feature of glyptodonts was their tortoise-like body armour that was made of bone segments called osteoderms or scutes. Each species of glyptodont had a unique osteoderm pattern and shell type. With this protection, they were armored like turtles, but unlike most turtles, could not withdraw their heads, but instead had a bony cap on the top of their skull. Even the tail of glyptodonts had a ring of bones for protection. Glyptodonts also had size on their side; many such as the type genus, Glyptodon, were the size of modern automobiles.

Glyptodonts became extinct at the end of the last ice age along with a large number of other megafaunal species, including pampatheres, the giant ground sloths and the bizarre Macrauchenia. Their much smaller, more lightly armored and flexible relatives, the armadillos, survived.

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Glyptodon (Glyptodon Owen, 1839)


Order: Pilosa

Family: Glyptodontidae

Time period: late Pliocene - late Pleistocene of America (3 Ma - 11.000 years ago)

Size: 3 m in length, 140 cm in height, 2000 kg of weight.

Typical representative: Glyptodon clavipes Owen, 1839


Glyptodonts was a large, more heavily armored relatives of extinct pampatheres and modern armadillos. They first evolved during the Miocene in South America, which remained their center of species diversity. For example, an Early Miocene glyptodont with many primitive features, when compared to other species, Parapropalaehoplophorus septentrionalis, was discovered at a now-elevated site in Chile and described in 2007. When the Panama isthmus formed about three million years ago, several species, such as Glyptotherium texanum, spread north as part of the Great American Interchange, as did pampatheres and armadillos. The main feature of glyptodonts was their tortoise-like body armour that was made of bone segments called osteoderms or scutes. Each species of glyptodont had a unique osteoderm pattern and shell type. With this protection, they were armored like turtles, but unlike most turtles, could not withdraw their heads, but instead had a bony cap on the top of their skull. Even the tail of glyptodonts had a ring of bones for protection. Glyptodonts also had size on their side; many such as the type genus, Glyptodon, were the size of modern automobiles.

Glyptodonts became extinct at the end of the last ice age along with a large number of other megafaunal species, including pampatheres, the giant ground sloths and the bizarre Macrauchenia. Their much smaller, more lightly armored and flexible relatives, the armadillos, survived.

Відгуки (14):
Наша планета,была такой прекрасной и разнообразной в плейстоцене!Жаль,что это все вымерло!Не важно кто в этом виноват!Климат или человек!Нужно попытаться,возродить хотя бы часть,всего этого разнообразия!
these animals are pretty awesome, especially the club on its tail
Не, Ром, я не спец по зоогеографии - мой профиль - история (от палеолита до маразмов 1991 года,после которых уже идет не история, а гнилая современная идеология в любой стране бывшего Совка!), я рядовой провинциальный школьный учитель из Казахстана. А палеонтологией, палеогеографией и экологией я интересуюсь для себя как хобби, что называется для души,с удовольствием составляю слайды и вставляю туда картинки с твоим логотипом, лучше которых НЕТ в Сети! Передам детям самодельную электронную энциклопедию и по палеоцену, и по гиппарионовой фауне, и по плейстоцену. Абсолютно без коммерческого интереса - я в этом профан, а так - ради эстетического удовольствия и интереса!
Митрич, у Вас очень обширные знания по зоогеорафии и интересная манера писать . Вот читаю и получаю удовольствие)
Вот вам и колоритный гигант Сонорской зоогеографической провинции теплых юго-западных штатов современных США в плейстоцене! Его экологическими и географическими аналогами в Евразии могли быть разве что эласмотерии, узкомордые да Мерка носороги!