Cephalogale Cephalogale


Cephalogale (†Cephalogale geoffroyi (Jourdan, 1862))
Order: Carnivora
Family: Ursidae
Dimensions: length - 2,4 m, height - 90 сm, weight - 70 - 170 kg
Temporal range: during the early Oligocene–Miocene  (North America and Europa, 28.4—20.0 Ma)
Cephalogale is an extinct genus of hemicyonine bear which lived in the Oligocene and Early Miocene epochs in North America and Europe. It lived from around 28.4—20.0 Mya. Before it was reconsidered to be close to the ancestry of hemicyonines, Cephalogale was once considered to be an ancestor of all bears.
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Cephalogale (†Cephalogale geoffroyi (Jourdan, 1862))
Order: Carnivora
Family: Ursidae
Dimensions: length - 2,4 m, height - 90 сm, weight - 70 - 170 kg
Temporal range: during the early Oligocene–Miocene  (North America and Europa, 28.4—20.0 Ma)
Cephalogale is an extinct genus of hemicyonine bear which lived in the Oligocene and Early Miocene epochs in North America and Europe. It lived from around 28.4—20.0 Mya. Before it was reconsidered to be close to the ancestry of hemicyonines, Cephalogale was once considered to be an ancestor of all bears.