nassim hacene
Sorry Mstr Rom, but P.T.Acutidens is larger than you,ve said about 4m and maximum weight of 490kg
Raúl Valvert
Prashanth.p.k., please, read the information in the Ngandong tiger here: “” You will found it very interesting. By the way, according with my research, the size and body mass of the Wanhsien tiger (P. t. acutidens) was, in fact, similar to the largest modern Amur-Bengal tiger, which can reach 250-300 kg (based in very few bones and some large dentition). The picture of the huge skull that we can see in the Internet, belongs to a private collection, so we don’t have any measurements of it yet. The Ngandong tiger (P. t. soloensis) is the only one with really huge bones, with a top body mass between 370 kg (using the formulas of Christiansen & Harris, 2005; from my unpublished data) and up to 470 kg (Hertler & Volmer, 2007). We can discuss the body mass of the Pleistocene lions in the respective pages, if Roman allows us, obviously. Greetings.
american cave lion had a maximum weight of 351 kg, average of 256 kg for males, how come it is the larger tha panther tigris acutidens which has an average weight of 272kg, the ngangdong tigers are an even larger species of tiger and they are not panther tigris acutidens but panther tigris solensis.
terrible.. impossible..there are hardly ten specimens of this species but all averaged a weight higher than the panthera atrox which was not even a lion, it was a separate species more closely related to the european cave lion. ngangdong tigers grew larger than even these tigers. panther atrox are of the same size of the amur tigers from manchuria(the largest amur tigers)
George Jackson
I visited your web-site and it is very good, and i want you to make a new photo of panthera tigris soloensis