cave leon
Acutidens tligers: you are right,body mass
of these cats depend on the availability of food of a specific area.
cave leon
both animals are of equal size and both are of same one had witnessed
a fight between a healthy 500 pound male
lion with a healthy 500 pound tiger of the same age .In a circus or a captivity, fights happened accidentaly.
fights occured between these 2 animals
are of unknown gender, age,size,health .For example a fully grown male lion kills a young male tiger or a healthy male tiger kills a weak male lion
cave leon
crater lions average 200-212 kg because
of rich diet in ngorongoro crater and
rhodesian lions average 190 kg.
both african lions and bengal tigers can attain 250-300 kgs of weight in wild .In
captivity these animals can reach a weight
of 900-1000 lbs at maximum level. the
largest captive lion weighs over 930 lbs
mentioned by peter jackson and a male
lion named simba weighed over 830 lbs
and most importantly, both were non obese and muscular looking lions.Largest
tiger named jaipur weighed over 930 lbs
which was an obese tiger.Jaipur was a fatass
Acutidens Tiligers
cave leon:

Siberian tiger -(маньчжуриан тигр) 114см. Были случаи в Zoo и тд. Плюс Siberian tiger по моему по длинее Bengala и то, что он меньше в холке вериться с трудом. Плюс эти схемы из за рубежа непонятно кто их мастерит? В тайге сейчас есть самцы и под 220кг и 230kg, но в основном тигры там на особом пайке. Было бы в North China столько еды сколько в Africe, то тигры там ходили под 270kg +. Atrox конечно страшная машина была судя по черепам и там явно было больше 900 weight(иногда)и конкуренцию могли лишь составить Acut - Ванхайзеры.
cave leon
african lion = 250 kg,120 cm
bengal tiger = 258 kg,110 cm
siberian tiger = 212 kg,106 cm