Алекс, there is no need to be rude, but as you insist, it is important to show that your statements are baseless in these particular issues. Like I told you before, the image that you use have to many distortions, even when I tried to make a comparison with the three bones, correcting the image and based in the humerus of 353 mm, none of the other two bones get the length (or diameter) stated in the document. The large humerus of 381 mm resulted with a length of 375 mm, while the femur of 480 mm resulted with a length of 422 mm. Take in count that I don’t used Paint-shop, but Adobe Photoshop to make the comparisons. Those pictures are useless for comparison, sorry but that is the true.
Special for Raúl Valvert ! Надеюсь вы понимаете что я пишу на Русском ? Фотография искаженная для всех трех костей 1. бедро 2. плечевая кость 3 .плечевая кость . А не только для одной бедренной кости , масштаб там правильный ,сравните плечевые кости ,они как раз точно подходят под цифры 353 мм и 381мм . Ну и уважаемый смотрите на диаметры в таблице ,элементарно увеличте кость бедра до 480 мм и измеряйте показатели толщины ,они не будут соотвествовать показателям в таблице . Хочется вам верить в 470 кг тигра ,верьте ,фантазировать не запрещено :) Нет у вас контр аргументов на мои доводы ,а называть меня сумашедшим -это показывает вашу тупость в данном вопросе !
Raúl Valvert
Forth part. In this case, if the cave lion bone is much robust than the Pleistocene tiger bone, this will be not only “possible” but a norm about these two great cats (check the same phenomenon on the humerus). In your own words, comrade foreigners need to look beyond the simple measurements and investigate more on the morphology and variation of these two great cats, like my American partners and myself have done for more than five years. By the way, the estimate shoulder height of this great cat is the about same than that of Panthera atrox (c.120 cm) and the weight should be closer to 370 kg (using the formulas of Christiansen & Harris, 2005).
Raúl Valvert
Third part: You say that the bone of the cave lion (not showed in those pictures, by the way) is more robust and so, it is not possible that a longer bone of a tiger can be longer and slender than that of a cave lion. However, I ask you, have you read the document of Dr Christiansen & Harris of 2005, about the weight of the Smilodon??? If you read it, you will see that normally, tigers have more slender bones than the lions, even when they are heavier. Read the Appendix A of the document, and you will see that even the smaller lion of 170 kg (CN6043) had relative much robust bones than the three larger Amur tigers of over 220 kg.
Raúl Valvert
Second part: These are the original images from the Chinese forum:
Skull: http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/2356/6dxu.jpg
Size: http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/2679/a7vv.jpg
Femur with humerus: http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/7405/lfhv.jpg
Femur and other bones of other specimens: http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/2316/vuf6.jpg
Labels: http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/4169/sn9i.jpg
As you can see, the real value is of 480 mm in length for the long femur. By the way, where it said that the bones are scaled at its original size?