Ok, I am going to do something; I will scale the bones with both proposed cases (femur of 480 mm and femur of 408 mm). In this form, I think that we will be able to see in a better way, the proportions of the bones. I will post the results here and in the forum that I presented to you (maybe Monday, I am very busy now). By the way, I am using Google translator for the Russian, so is possible that your answers could be not translated 100% accurately to me. Greetings.
Raúl, Рома думаю не обидеться если дискуссия будет корректной ! Вы читали и видели оригинал работы ? Все ваши предположения основаны только на фотографии таблицы ,что может быть опечаткой . Я не вижу из выложенного материала доказательств линейной длины бедра 480 мм , а диаметры и толщина бедренной кости ,говорит что кость очень тонкая для длины 480 мм , и больше подходит для 408 мм ! Фотографии искажены ,но не настолько что бы не видеть , что между плечевой костью 353мм и 381мм .нет разницы с бедренной 10см и 13 см -это очевидно !
This conversation is getting to long and inadequate for this place. If you want, and if you can, join me in the discussion at this place: http://animalsversesanimals.yuku.com/topic/3029/Body-size-of-the-Ngandong-tiger-Panthera-tigris-soloensis?page=1 Here we can discuss our arguments without filling the page of Roman.
I forgot this: check the humerus of 381 mm, you will see that the position of the bone is incorrect, as the humeral trochlea is to low in relation with the lateral epicondyle and the upper major tubercle is too low for a natural position; in this case, the original image of this humerus is already slightly distorted in the picture, so we can only relay (again) in the original measurements of Von Koenigswald. Compare it with the image of the humerus of 353 mm and you will see.
For your next answer (if there is), take in count these points: 1. No one calls you crazy here, so don’t make a drama of this. 2. No one is saying that this tiger weighed 470 kg, I clearly stated a weight of c.370 kg, based in Christiansen & Harris (2005) formula, which is still slightly heavier than the largest Panthera atrox (c.360 kg). 3. Don’t make fake images, it is obvious that you changed the original measurement of the femur in your image and that is not fair. 4. Where the book says that the images are at scale or at they original sizes???